Thursday 17 September 2009

Holiday preparations.

I'm on Holiday!!

Woohoooooo :)

This is the first time all year I have been on a proper holiday (two days off to go and visit the dentist don't count). So what have I been doing with myself. Knitting (obvious), stash diving in the pretence of bagging it (I just want to squish Merino, which I could happily do for the next few hours but I need to blog). I am also preparing to go on holiday.

CGBF has booked us on a weeks cruise up the Nile! We leave Monday coming and it hasn't quite sunk in yet.

The effort to get holiday supplies is ongoing and so far has proved amusing. Since I only need to be in a place that is sunny to burn, not even in the sun, I burn in the shade (I seriously believe the sun goes Ah ha, there she is and instantly turns up the frazzle) I've got a hat (which I'm convinced looks like this....

but brown. I even said as much in the shop (I couldn't remember the name of the cow and I thought the flower was on the hat. Not a fan of the magic roundabout).

I'm not a hat wearing person normally, them being associated with spectacularly itchy flowery straw and spike based specimen provided by mum an encounter (dun dun dunnnn) with a rather strict church. First the flowers seemed the ultimate bad point, but once I couldn't see the flowers (the hat being on my head) the itch took over as being major massive problem. Until I realised the flowers were sending the spikes back in into my head and I just started to loathe it in its entirety.

Now normally this would be enough to make me forgo the hat as a garment but for another incident which at least gives me some acceptance towards them being useful.

High summer holiday (what possessed my parent?) in France and it was tremendously hot. Miserably so and me being a teenager and for some obscure reason having learned from experience as well as not being particularly interested in playing with sandcastles. Or indeed seeing (not playing with at this stage) people wearing nothing I was not particularly inclined to loving it whilst I burned. I always burn. Nothing good comes of beaches for me. Now most people say swim, I love swimming, but that means, burning, sun tan lotion and passing out for 4 hours in the heat (place your bets on how will I manage in Egypt now). Mum loves the sun and being on the beach and the parents (mum) were being somewhat stubborn in their reluctance to let me skulk at the campsite in the shade. So hauled along I was and told to wear a hat and slather on this thick white goopy stuff that I was told was sun cream, but looked like Lard. Smelled like it too. I still managed to burn to toasty charcoalyness the tips of my shoulders, the top of and down the inside of my cleavage. Sore sore sore. But my face was fine and I didn't have a bright red streak up my scalp where my parting was. I keep having to move the parting an inch along every time I go out so although I have a stripy scalp, one area doesn't become too bad.

So enter yesterday's hat shop trawl. Hat shopping seems to amuse me tremendously despite the fact I am buying something that is essentially frivolous what will have limited use. We found some pith helmets, a security hat and a Korean (or was it Vietnamese?) ones. I think I am being haunted by my dad's hat preference, there must be some type of hat phenotype that the man could tell with some extra innate sense (genotype is what your genes say you can be, phenotype is actually what you look like). It was bizarre, and really scary, try this, or try this, these are lovely, whilst I am screaming "Nnnnnooooooooo" in my head. one even was the same colour as his hat. But I managed to escape to the floppy hat end and proceeded to flounce (I think, I certainly tried to flounce), head mosh (owww by the way, how do people not end up with a sore neck?) or bouncing around to get the brim to wibble about whilst giggling like a complete idiot. If I could be bothered I'd maintain that I was merely testing how far it shaded me. Whilst CGBF watched, perfectly dignified and amused. He really did make spotting the spacer really easy. I wasn't much better at home though.

Here's my hat and some other stuff we got (as well as the second of the Sirdar blur shawls that I included in there because I'm not sure what knitting to take, choices choices).

We also got imodium since my Auntie went on a Nile cruise and was sick the length of it and back. I think she's been sick the length of everywhere she goes on holiday (besides Moscow). We got a rather military looking 2 litre water bottle (the shop did army supplies too), some water purification tablets, odourless garlic pills, miraculous sun cream (I'm not allergic to it, the only one in the whole of Aberdeen that I'm not allergic to. A miracle that).

Ummmm I also got this thing which is like a Hijab. Thats it on the Blur shawl (to be posted asap) and beside the hat and my first weaving project.

Muslim woman (I usually end up spelling that muslin) wear these in Egypt and I've decided to wear one (under the hat, protect my nose), not only in respect for the local's beliefs but apparently you get a bit more peace from hawkers and respect from them. The account I read said that people were more welcoming, they could go into the less touristy bits and got charged less. It also kept the sand out of their hair and their hair out of their faces. I can't even manage the latter with my hair tied back so if this helps I'll be happy. All good as far as I'm concerned.
I've played hunt-the-passport and won, all I need to do is go clothes shopping. :(
We tried but I think the Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, what is that? oh, ok, yuck was wearing CGBF and since besides the eye incident the day was a good one we abandoned it.
I also successfully and totally accidentally poked myself in the eye with an insurance brochure when queuing for the money exchange. My eyes were streaming for about 20 minutes so I could barely see and it was agony. I was so sore and kept giving people accidental grumpy looks, growling at CGBF (who was rather amused at my grumpiness) and having to apologise. I got lots of sympathy and assurances that it wasn’t a good idea and I shouldn't repeat it. CGBF also laughed me once he’d determined that I was ok. I was worried I’d pierced my eye or it was streaming that badly, but somehow I think that aqueous humour is thicker than tears.
Here is a picture of the Sirdar blur shawl, I started a new on Monday in purple (that's it to the side). Abandon all gauge all who knitted here applies only to the first one so far. Thankfully.
There is my first weaving and the latest addition to my stash, more of the blur before it sells out.
This is a better picture of my first weaving. Its very...... square and ummm short for a scarf, but there wasn't much that can be done about that. Besides starting again that is.
I also saw this in the front window of a shop!
Right, I'm off to try and join a knitting blog ring.

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