Friday 18 September 2009

More holiday stuff.

Today I have sorted the travel insurance, got heckled about it, flounced around wearing the hat (for some reason that is note worthy to me, I'm not sure if anyone else would feel the same), worked on the Blur shawl mark 2, had a dose of hysterics (CGBF used a phrase WORD FOR WORD my dad used on me, the one about doing things in good time, instead of leaving it to the last minute) and ate a vast quantity of cereal.

Since going on holiday I have knitted a vast quantity, and ate a vast quantity of cereal. It is like a veritable elephants graveyard of boxes stashed out of sight of his chair. I kind (I typed that as knid, I wonder if they are vicious/vermiscious or not) of realised he'd spotted them when I heard a (manly) scream (he maintains it was a (manly) exclamation, not a scream) from the living room. Then he wandered through and did the hug thing, where he cuddles me and asked did I eat all that cereal this week. "You did as well, I know you did" (I did too). Then wandered off with a sigh after patting my shoulder. Bless.

Weaving, I wove something yesterday and am rather amazed by just how much the weaving is narrowed by when you decrease from 1 thread every second dent to every dent. I expected a difference, but not such a large one. Guess I was clueless... (about it.)
I made a slight mistake in the weaving so 2 strands next to each other when woven 1,3 up then 2,4 up are sitting side by side. Otherwise everything seems fine. I got about 2 foot done so I'm pleased about that.

I have also realised that CGBF (who was humouring me by trying it on) looks better in the hijab than I do. Its the longer face. Sob.

I finally showed the "Sex Wax" picture to CGBF. He is insisting on investigating so we are off to Bruce Millers (a music shop).

Well that's me for today, we need to go clothes shopping (Blagh). And I still haven't decided what knitting to bring with me :(.

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