Friday 28 August 2009


I just realised something.
Years ago I stopped reading books because of or for the pretty pictures. Now I read books for the content. And as I age (I still am convinced I'm 18. Recently i've settled for 23.) I learn to appreciate the content more and more. Do you know what I've realised? I'm again buying books for the pretty pictures..... Not just to look at as an "oooh, thats pretty" fairly luddite style appreciation addition. Heyy its free why not? But now I look for pictures to pore over and appreciate, as if I was 2.

Knitting books. Bought for the pretty pictures. And the charts.
Its true what they say, it keeps you youthful whilst you look old.
I am also delighted knitting is becoming trendy. Pity the rest of the world don't appreciate that more.

But I got some knitting books.
Victorian Lace Today Paperback by Jane Sowerby
Lace Style by Pam Allen
Shawls Two on the Go! (Vogue Knitting on the Go)

I'm not sure if the latter was a good idea. Its a US book and converting the needle size is harder when you've misplaced your needle gauge thing. Hang on actually, nope. Its misplaced. Pants.

I'm now tempted by Shetland Hap Shawls Then and Now and Heirloom Knitting both by-Sharon E Miller. Both books and a stack of gorgeous individual patterns in assorted weights can be got from her own website I've effectively banned myself from the website for another month until payday next month. Mid bets on how long I'll last?
Well I'll delay because only one of the ordered book has arrived. Texts CGBF, THEY ARE HERE Wooohoooo:(.
Well now I'll delay until I've had a look at them then I'll decide when to get that pair of books. Because I am still bereft of a square pattern for the wedding shawl. I may need to trawl on Ravelry a bit more (which is hardly a chore) but it seems to be mainly triangle shawls that are available. But I did stumble (metaphorically speaking) on a Hap shawl, from there into these books. They sound fantastic.
Apparently Wool for Ewe is getting shawl patterns in which will be also fantastic :) .
I think I'm getting addicted :( (because of the cost and space that I do not have consumption) or :) cos I have more books and especially books that have knitting patterns.

But anyway Wool for Ewe. As if I needed an excuse to go there more often than I do. But I tend to save things up and go on a binge. Then a few days later I go on a second one. the most recent one involved me screaming a girly fashion. I couldn't help it, I didn't know the tape measure had a button on it. All I knew was that the tape got yanked out of my hands and a scream/jump ensued that caused laughter.

My workmates are slightly fascinated by knitting clubs (how can you be slightly fascinated? That's like saying something's slightly nuclear. Well they are wow, that'd be something to see without the intention of making the effort to see it). I mentioned about the Aberdeen stitch and bitch (which I got to go to last week :) ) and questions flew. What do you do? Knit? just knit? No we chat and look at books (and breathe, if its in a pub can drink, and munch crisps)

So how am I spending my weekend. Hope fully not filled with CGBF because he is going on a manly few days camping with whichever of the Bobs that have been rounded up and his birthday present.
Somehow I doubt but it maybe possible that he can prove to the Bobs that all things are possible by getting up early on a Saturday morning. That may not sound like much but it is. It is not only definitely much but was shocking, torturous and totally threw my last Saturday off. That may sound like over exaggerating but I assure you, its not.
Friday nights if he's about we sit and appreciate each other's company, blather and "watch tv/a DVD" (its just back ground noise). Whilst I knit. We stay up late (see the wee small hours together) and totally screw up our circadian rhythms because we are maddddd. We both regularly get up at 6 and find that regular hours is best for out health and detrimental to the frequency of falling asleep on the bus or "rickity mobile" that only bounces when I'm likely to and drooling down our fronts (seen it once, ghastly). SO CGBF sleeps in Saturday morning and I get up early. Do a bit of knitting, spinning, cry at that Loom, go on Ravelry and generally have some me time with the yarn. just me and the yarn or Roving. When I've had my me time then usually CGBF gets his breakfast in bed. But he got up early and it really threw me. No me time. Arraggggh. Poor guy.
Tomorrow, he's hopefully sleep in. Now I may need to drug him (
, for this, but for the price of peace I'll happinly crack one out. For the record, he typicially gets told. Afterwards. For the other record, his parents know (they don't mind). bit I digress (The Prologue) they'll head off with some ingredients (I'll prepare them), set up the present- a cooking camping tripod, with a cooking bowl hung under it. They fire the food in, let it cook away. Short while later Nom nom nom.

Also I had... a moment... A female one.
Whaaattttt? is this not unusual? Female I am but not stereotypical when it comes to shoes... Not really interested.
I love my new pair of hiking boots.
Typically my inclination to shoes is, a few things, do they leek? Fit? cost a huge pile of money?
Well I got new ones which had an accident but that's by the by (can't like then when the side has split) and the new pair is grey and ..... Purple (with bits of black). Yes I am female,
I am female, see me be pleased by the colour (doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it). And be impressed by the fact that they match my socks. Well maybe impressed is the wrong word. And match is a bit strong but I do have purple socks (with black bits) (and vice versa) and they are so cosy.
Why is that good? Well it is very showing about the weather here that I felt the need to but winter boots in early August. And I have tried them (fairly gingerly) out in a puddle, but it wasn't too deep. And some wet grass. Rather than be ambivalent (I'll get there soon enough) I likes them. Its a great thing that I can afford new shoes when you consider that so many people cannot even afford food, let alone shoes.

I think thats me. Except for the fact I've just filled my shoe with fruit juice. Araggh Buggery.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Soo much to knit so lttle incentive.

Not only is this very late but I am really sleepy. And at work. I'm not that busy. But here we are after a lot of disruption to my Saturday morning I now finally have peace to blog. I like to be alone for this and since I'm at work he can't be distracting.He got up early and wanted to chat and I was rather suprised and about driven to distraction. Usually we stay up late, disrupt our sleeping pattern with chat and knitting (that'd be me). But no, he was up and loooking company. Anyway, I'm bored, therefore I'm daydreaming of yarn. Squishy squishy gorgeous lovely yarn. And I'm tired.

I have projects with me... well one project. The socks. But right now I'd almost rather count the number of feet in a single pair instead of work on them.
It'd probably be disastrous too I am that groggy and out of it. The only way I could focus on the would be if there were a sword of Damocles moment, but with a metal DPN instead of a sword. A pointy metal DPN, with knitting on them impaled on them. Waiting to become unravelled as they fell, to impale me. or I maybe was knitting with a tip-Ex paintbrush tipped knitting needle. It'd need to be a special type instead of a traditional proper knitting needle. That'd be thrilling.

So why am I feeling knitting bereft?
I have many projects. This should negate the previous statement you'd think. But you'd be thinking wrong. I am extremely bored and frustrated.

Hat-needs maths. Arragggggh
Shawl, bit big and for some reason it and I seem to enter a realm of stick when we meet. I'm not sure who is sticking to what, or maybe who is the most static, but we stick together. And it is an absolute bugger to knit when your yarn is stuck to the palm of your hand and shawl to the other arm. Whilst the unravelled length of yarn is acting like a clingy child and has glued itself to your jumper. Glad its glued to the jumper, I got flour down the front of my trousers and I'm unconvinced that hovering got it all out. I can't see any, but considering that hoover is the most useless piece of crap ever I'm doubtful it did anything beyond making my leg cold and spraying the kitchen with the flour and bread crumbs that weren't on my jeans. Pooft, all over the place in a dry ice/london smog cloud. I need a new hover.

Anyway (the prologue) I have 2 shawls,
1 too complex to do when sitting down totally focusing on it, let alone on a giggling clatter mobile (bus name changes dependant on what occurs to me at the time)
the other is too large to take on a but. 140ish stitches on a bus journey, not going to happen. 140ish stitches of static glue loving Mohair, also not happening. More chance of me knitting with my tongue that getting it done in a rattling bouncing Mrrrrrrrrggggghhhhing bus (there is a noisy one that makes horrible noises at random)which sooner or later willl fill with kids. I've not only started, doubled the length of this, but I've also had to rip it back. Same place, same error and I have no idea why or what I've done. I have stitch issues and ripped back to see where they originated so I could fix it. I located a dodgy looking bit. But I've ripped back to the previous line, so it should still be there. Its gone. What's the chances of it turning up when I start knitting again?

Ummm, my gloves, now I come to think of it. I should start the second one (requires me chasing down yarn and needles). No reason I couldn't start this other than lack of effort I shall dig it out tonight because the socks, are not doing it for me. Then once they are finished.... Another pair as festive present is needed too so if I can get on a bender that'd be great. I've also offered to make a pair for CGBF, I've managed to find manly colour for him that he liked. 407 All flamey reds and oranges with a deep rich (Claret 412) red for the cuff, heel, and toes. All Twilley's of Stamford freedom wool (the chunky one).
I'm definity into the pattern because Saturday past I finished CGBF's mum's pair. Also in Twilley's of Stamford freedom wool. This one nice blues (415, lookie here that descended into the realm of disaster when I ran out of yarn. Nowhere had any. So I ripped the cuff off in the assumption that the green 411 CGBF picked (badly) or the navy (423) might work. Not a chance. Pants. Wool for Ewe got some in a few months later (took out the other colour I was after but got in a very nice different shades of purple one 413, I pretty much like anything in or with purple and this one is very nice). I have found 430. Which would have worked. Had I known it existed. Damn, you always find out about these things afterwards don't you.

Anyway (The Prologue) CGBF's mum's pair so don't match, there is more cables on one and I had to try compact one (strip it off my arm pushing downwards to compact it) and desperately stretching the other desperately trying to get that extra half cm to get them the same length. Tragicially for the gloves we were going out for Dinner with them and there was shrieks and tears of frustration and I gave up on doing repairs so they could get them at the time.

I also could start that pair for a mystery person (Hi :) I can't mention her in case she gets referred to this. CGBF's been threatening it :(.

Has anyone else noticed how they get dry eyes when they are tired? From what I've learnt, you blink and your eyelids lubricate (there has got to be a better word) your eyes. I blink more (especially when I have the tired stupid thing going then I blink loads in confusion). So your eyes lubricate, blink loads, lubricated more frequently. So how come my eye's are dry and gritty. Maybe they are off dosing somewhere and that's why they aren't working. Just abandoned me because I was alert and kept waking up last night. Some pleb's car alarm kept going off until well past midnight. So my brain decided the best thing, would be to wake up at random intervals just to check it'd stopped. Now personally, being the better person and ignoring it (sleeping) in is preferable. But nooooo, alert and suspicious my mind was. Actually CGBF doing his furnace impression didn't help so there maybe an aspect of survival instinct there too. Frazzle sizzle sizzle isn't be a nice way to wake up. I'm positive I have a hand shaped burn across my back. I can't say I enjoyed it much, especially when he decides to hold on. Persuading a sleeping person to let go isn't an effective use of time. Even if it is possible to escape he starts chasing me across the bed into the corner. In his sleep. But go to do something as simple as kiss his cheek any other time? 0-72 instantly. And into a bear hug/total body lock. the ones that mean you can't more or breathe at times. All without any indication or really altering breathing rhythm. Shocking lightning CGBF. Like a strange spring loaded Gryphon trap (how that'd work I do not know but it may just explain the really broad (and lovely) shoulders). I loves him.

Anyway thats me for the minute. But tommow (I hope) I'm going to write about...radioactive yellow gloop cake.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Shawls come, grow and unravel. Rapidly

I realised that I should be a bit more interesting on my blog.
What am I knitting, a shawl, one not happy (decidedly teenage acting actually, I've apparently got it all wrong), one fluctuating, a hat that only sees light on sundays as well as the Harris socks.

Socks, yes, that all pervading force in my life at the minute. The socks.
I've just finished the ribbing a few days ago on the second and already made my, "bugger it its not noticeable" mistake. I did 3 of 1 set patten lines instead of 2. But since this yarn unplies itself rapidly when you try to unpick it I declined to unpick it and pull it back a stitch at a time. This stuff cannot be ripped back by the row (circle maybe? they aren't rows because its knit on the round. Maybe its I can't pull them back by the round instead. Makes more sense). These need to be picked back stitch by stitch. 60x5= lots. So no, I'm not doing that for ummm.... calculator says 300. No. Not doing that. I have as much chance of getting those stitches back on easily as pizza has surviving 10 minutes in our house. Or our ripe blueberries around that thrush that only seems to eat them when I'm looking out the window. How does it know? I look out, it flies down and starts pieing out (to pie, you pie, she/she/it/they are pies. Think being an utter gutbag). Its a right chubby bird dicing with death I tell you. How they haven't stuck in its throat I can't predict (stretchy oesophagus muscles must have all the flexibility of new knicker elastic that is about to be twanged by someone annoying who has no sense of self preservation. Just like that thrush). I hope this increases the chance of it surviving to breed next year. More thrushes are a good thing.

Anyway, I digress (The Prologue) the sock, its coming along fast (oh how I am delighted), I have some pictures of it with Marvin on my work computer. I can't put it on but I'm going to (updated) I've ordered the computer at home another bluetooth dongle so I am a bit better at adding pictures. I also need to put on the hat and shawls.

Ohhh Shawls. The nightsongs (or Lindawings as its becoming considered) had a mistake so I needed to rip it back a bit. So it was set aside. Not only because I was a bit downhearted, but because I am a bit of a pattern anti fidelity pattern hussy. Yes I was enamoured with the Lesley fuzz (that almost sounds wrong. No actually it sounds wrong, completely wrong.) But its had a bit of a misfortune. I have no idea what I've done, but I've done something and I have toooo many stitches. 10 stitches do NOT appear out of nowhere and considering I consider myself able to count, I must consider that the numbers of stitches are correct. Therefore I must consider a mistake. Thats a lot of considerings. But this requires consideration is required. So every day I rip back another few rows and when the sob starts. I stop. And work on the Lindawings shawl.
Just so I can go form one thing that is heart wounding, to something that can turn me into a bloodshot eyed screaming raving loony. Well more screamy anyway, I'm already a vocal and screamy person to tell the truth. Maybe I should have more practice knitting from patterns before starting something as large as a shawl. But no matter. Why?

I love this pattern. Jam ahem wedge the worksheet in a book and let it unfold as you knit. And you do see the pattern unfold (maybe this is normal with all lace, I've never done any before so I can't tell). I love the pattern now I am ish becoming ish able to read the pattern. Enough to know when I have muncked up or if a yo is in the wrong place. I am back into the habit of doing a few rows every night. Even if it is the equivalent of a few rows. That is to say I've ripped the same part of a row out several times because the upside down Y thing with the vertical line going down to the same level as the forks of the Y is not looking right. Its poaching on a stitch from the next leaf and that's not right. That happened last night and despite knitting over over an hour, I only had 2 lines to show for it. And I feel pleased, because it doesn't matter that its only the second repeat and it was hardly any stitches. I got it right and added to it with added yea, I was right, that wasn't right. What did I do wrong? I have no idea. but its fixed now and I'm happy.

Other News, I have persuaded a friend to allow me to make her the Aeolian shawl (Knitty Linky). But the shoulderette form, and I've picked the yarn. Its here . The colour L1A is the pick for the wedding shawl.

I really adore what these people do. Putting things into context two of my uncle have sheep. And when I was speaking to one he said it was hardly worth the effort selling them. They get a pittance. If it wasn't for the fact it was wet and he hadn't been able to shear them I'd have bought one of his. As it is I don't want to post raw wool so he may keep me something in the winter clip. these peopl buy the wool from 80% I think) the local crofters for a decent price, sort the fleece and sell it. In the natural colours and dyed. I love that idea. Which is why my cousin (the aforementioned uncle, who is as awesome as his daughter) is getting her weddig shawl spun from it.

What else. We made plum jam, which is very sweet (i'd worry about my pancreas, but these things seem to be purely decorative, I don't eat them). The last one is also distinctly part of, or a member of a closely related part of a section of society which has a fearable faction within it, it truly is, a widely feared faction in society. Because you can't tell which is which and are you going to be safe. Widely feared for many reasons. Terrors of society, yes, (some, the feared bit) with their strage hair colours, piercing stares, cutting looks and comments and tuts as well as the most scary fact. The fact that they look at you and they know, irrespective of whether or not you've been good, they know you haven't. And they know.Your.Mum.
Yes. Its da da daaaaa its the.... blue rinse brigade. Complete with handbags and glasses. you don't see them much up here.

i've forgotten where I was going with that train of thought. Ummmmmmmmmm.......ummmmm.....ummmm....still no idea.....ummmm....that hasn't helped. crap.

Oh yea, the last jar (which has a half jar) has a purple perm rinse. The ring was hot and caused it to bubble and we didn't do anything about it in our vain attempt to quick-get-it-out-before-it-all-sticks-to-the-insides-of-the-maslin-pan.
Its a purple rice jam. Ahem, purple rinse jam. Get it right. It amused me.

There has been no movement on the pineapple jam and I'm so not doing it on my own. I'm not a fan of pineapple (too sweet) and It'd be much more fun score out soothing to let/get CGBF do the chopping of it into the necessary bits instead. For me anyway.

Anyway, culinary delights. mine has been the new dish kits the spice shop in Aberdeen has got in. I love that shop, there are so many fascinating things you can look at. As if you were a 5 year old instead of a mature (ah ha hahahaha I don't feel it) adult. I love going in there, just so many new things to work up your bravery towards trying to see what you can make. We got Biryani which was amazingly good. Cooked it with carrots a leek, courgette and mushrooms (what needed eating). And what was nice (in a not nice way) There was actual small chunks of the spices that went into it which shows its not flavourings that goes into it. Its natural and every bite is different and its smells lovely. But that's the bad thing, you get little hard chunks. Potential Mouth food shrapnel but nothing serious. we also got Laksa (I think) that needs coconut milk added. It has tamarind paste and you need to cook it for a bit before the horrible unholy wretched stinking smell departs leaving your house reeking. Once your past that stage though, it sweetens and it smells much nicer and you get a lovely dish with a nice bit of heat behind it. But I do add a whole tin instead of a half to make it more manageable. Mee Goreng is also really nice.

I'm obviously experimenting in the far east food and loving it. Sadly score out tragically it doesn't always agree with CGBF's inner workings. But my Thai green curry can be very hit or miss. But it'd help if I measured stuff out rather than firing in anything that needed to be eaten as well as stuff I fancied. Then watching a splodge of the paste in with a tin of coconut milk. I'd say pouring but its a thick paste so in order to get it off the spoon that you almost have to swing around your head like that highland throw the hammer thing. But with a with a sudden downwards swoop instead of an upwards one finishing with a whack on the pot to add a sudden stop before it will come off. Last night's was very think and when you eat it the burn hits you "bloody hell this is HOOOOTTTTT burny burny burny Hotttttt". Then when it fades away there is taste. Then you repeat. Sometimes you let it get almost cool then you try it. but nope. That BURNNNNNNNNNN is still there.

One last thing... Its my little brother's birthday in the coming weeks (almost 3). So therefore its time to start panicing about what present to get him. The one without a neck. They don't sell necks.
I have no idea what to get him. Crap.

The actual final point... I have not wove anything. Or warped it. I live in fear of it. I cried then I yelled at CGBF. :(

Shawls and misfires

I realised that I should be a bit more interesting on my blog.
What am I knitting, a shawl, one not happy (decidedly teenage acting actually, I've apparently got it all wrong), one fluctuating, a hat that only sees light on sundays as well as the Harris socks.

Socks, yes, that all pervading force in my life at the minute. The socks.
I've just finished the ribbing a few days ago on the second and already made my, "bugger it its not noticeable" mistake. I did 3 of 1 set patten lines instead of 2. But since this yarn unplies itself rapidly when you try to unpick it I declined to unpick it and pull it back a stitch at a time. This stuff cannot be ripped back by the row (circle maybe? they aren't rows because its knit on the round. Maybe its I can't pull them back by the round instead. Makes more sense). These need to be picked back stitch by stitch. 60x5= lots. So no, I'm not doing that for ummm.... calculator says 300. No. Not doing that. I have as much chance of getting those stitches back on easily as pizza has surviving 10 minutes in our house. Or our ripe blueberries around that thrush that only seems to eat them when I'm looking out the window. How does it know? I look out, it flies down and starts pieing out (to pie, you pie, she/she/it/they are pies. Think being an utter gutbag). Its a right chubby bird dicing with death I tell you. How they haven't stuck in its throat I can't predict (stretchy oesophagus muscles must have all the flexibility of new knicker elastic that is about to be twanged by someone annoying who has no sense of self preservation. Just like that thrush). I hope this increases the chance of it surviving to breed next year. More thrushes are a good thing.

Anyway, I digress (The Prologue) the sock, its coming along fast (oh how I am delighted), I have some pictures of it with Marvin on my work computer. I can't put it on but I'm going to (updated) I've ordered the computer at home another bluetooth dongle so I am a bit better at adding pictures. I also need to put on the hat and shawls.

Ohhh Shawls. The nightsongs (or Lindawings as its becoming considered) had a mistake so I needed to rip it back a bit. So it was set aside. Not only because I was a bit downhearted, but because I am a bit of a pattern anti fidelity pattern hussy. Yes I was enamoured with the Lesley fuzz (that almost sounds wrong. No actually it sounds wrong, completely wrong.) But its had a bit of a misfortune. I have no idea what I've done, but I've done something and I have toooo many stitches. 10 stitches do NOT appear out of nowhere and considering I consider myself able to count, I must consider that the numbers of stitches are correct. Therefore I must consider a mistake. Thats a lot of considerings. But this requires consideration is required. So every day I rip back another few rows and when the sob starts. I stop. And work on the Lindawings shawl.
Just so I can go form one thing that is heart wounding, to something that can turn me into a bloodshot eyed screaming raving loony. Well more screamy anyway, I'm already a vocal and screamy person to tell the truth. Maybe I should have more practice knitting from patterns before starting something as large as a shawl. But no matter. Why?

I love this pattern. Jam ahem wedge the worksheet in a book and let it unfold as you knit. And you do see the pattern unfold (maybe this is normal with all lace, I've never done any before so I can't tell). I love the pattern now I am ish becoming ish able to read the pattern. Enough to know when I have muncked up or if a yo is in the wrong place. I am back into the habit of doing a few rows every night. Even if it is the equivalent of a few rows. That is to say I've ripped the same part of a row out several times because the upside down Y thing with the vertical line going down to the same level as the forks of the Y is not looking right. Its poaching on a stitch from the next leaf and that's not right. That happened last night and despite knitting over over an hour, I only had 2 lines to show for it. And I feel pleased, because it doesn't matter that its only the second repeat and it was hardly any stitches. I got it right and added to it with added yea, I was right, that wasn't right. What did I do wrong? I have no idea. but its fixed now and I'm happy.

Other News, I have persuaded a friend to allow me to make her the Aeolian shawl ( But the shoulderette form, and I've picked the yarn. Its here . The colour L1A is the pick for the wedding shawl.

I really adore what these people do. Putting things into context two of my uncles have sheep. And when I was speaking to one he said it was hardly worth the effort selling them. They get a pittance. If it wasn't for the fact it was wet and he hadn't been able to shear them I'd have bought one of his. As it is I don't want to post raw wool so he may keep me something in the winter clip. These people buy the wool from 80% of the crofters (I think) for a decent price, sort the fleece and sell it. In the natural colours and dyed. I love that idea. Which is why my cousin (the aforementioned uncle, who is as awesome as his daughter) is getting her wedding shawl spun from it.

What else. We made plum jam, of which there are two things to note.
The first of which is very sweet (i'd worry about my pancreas, but these things seem to be purely decorative, I don't eat them, neither does he from what I can tell).
The second point is also distinctly part of, or a member of a closely related part of a section of society which has a fearable faction within it, it truly is, a widely feared faction in society. Because you can't tell which is which and are you going to be safe. Widely feared for many reasons. Terrors of society, yes, (some, the feared section) with their strange hair colours, piercing stares, cutting looks and comments and tuts as well as the most scary fact. The fact that they look at you and they know, irrespective of whether or not you've been good, they know you haven't. And they know.Your.Mum.
Yes. Its da da daaaaa its the.... blue rinse brigade. Complete with handbags and glasses. You don't see them much up here.

I've forgotten where I was going with that train of thought. Ummmmmmmmmm.......ummmmm.....ummmm....still no idea.....ummmm....that hasn't helped. crap.

Oh yea, the last jar (which has a half jar) has a purple perm rinse. The ring was hot and caused it to bubble and we didn't do anything about it in our vain attempt to quick-get-it-out-before-it-all-sticks-to-the-insides-of-the-maslin-pan and it set with the bubbles. Which are a paler purple than the rest of the jam. Before anyone thinks about suggesting scum, there wsan't any on it at that stage.
Its a purple rice jam. Ahem, purple rinse jam. get it right. It amused me.

There has been no movement on the pineapple jam and I'm so not doing it on my own. I'm not a fan of pineapple (too sweet) and It'd be much more fun score out soothing to let/get CGBF do the chopping of it into the necessary bits instead. For me anyway.

Anyway, culinary delights. Mine has been the new sauce kits that the spice shop in Aberdeen has got in. I love that shop, there are so many fascinating things you can look at. As if you were a 5 year old instead of a mature (ah ha hahahaha I don't feel it) adult. I love going in there, just so many new things to work up your bravery towards trying to see what you can make. We got Biryani which was amazingly good. Cooked it with carrots a leek, courgette and mushrooms (what needed eating). And what was nice (in a not nice way) There was actual small chunks of the spices that went into it which shows its not flavourings that goes into it. Its natural and every bite is different and its smells lovely. But that's the bad thing, you get little hard chunks (I got 2 bits of cinnamon). Potential Mouth food shrapnel but nothing serious. We also got Laksa (I think its spelt that way) that needs coconut milk added to make a rich creamy sauce. It has tamarind paste and you need to cook it for a bit before the horrible unholy wretched stinking smell departs leaving your house reeking. Once your past that stage though, it sweetens and it smells much nicer and you get a lovely dish with a nice bit of heat behind it. But I do add a whole tin instead of a half to make it more manageable. I love that it hasn't been so processed that its been already cooked through to make its fragrant. Mee Goreng is also really nice.

I'm obviously experimenting in the far east food and loving it. Sadly ahem tragically it doesn't always agree with CGBF's inner workings. But my Thai green curry can be very hit or miss. But it'd help if I measured stuff out rather than firing in anything that needed to be eaten as well as stuff I fancied. Then pe lting in a random splodge quantity of the paste in with a tin of coconut milk. I'd say pouring but its a thick paste. So in order to get it off the spoon that you almost have to swing around your head like that highland throw the hammer thing. But with a with a sudden downwards swoop instead of upwards ending with wacking the spoon on the edge of the pot for that sudden stop movement required before it will come off. Last night's was very thick and when you eat it the burn hits you "bloody hell this is HOOOOTTTTT burny burny burny Hotttttt". Then when it fades away there is taste. Then you repeat. Sometimes you let it get almost cool then you try it. but nope. That BURNNNNNNNNNN is still there.

One last thing... Its my little brother's birthday in the coming weeks (almost 3). So therefore its time to start panicing about what present to get him. The one without a neck. They don't sell necks.
I have no idea what to get him. Crap.

The actual final point... I have not wove anything. Or warped it. I live in fear of it. I cried then I yelled at CGBF. :(

Sunday 16 August 2009

Shawls, hat and a wool fueled bender

Its yet again, been a while. Computer has been acting up.

I got some yarn from Puddleduck's in Cullen last weekend. Which is a lovely shop in a lovely little village on the Moray coast. Puddleduck's specialises in Quilting stuff, but it also does yarn, gifts and a nice selection of food. Its not a restaurant, more like a mini cafe with soups, toasties, baked potatoes, puddings. I'm sure there was more, I just saw as far as the Cullen Skink and that was me. Cullen Skin is a regional dish that I have taken to in a major way, I love it and eat it every chance I get. Bar one. And I made that. It was horrible. Recipe didn't work for me. It worked for the person who gave it to me, but me, nope. Ghastly. Anyway its smoked haddock and potato in a creamy sauce. Now it sounds horrible, but it tastes fantastic and is a firm favourite of mine.

Anyway (the prologue), the yarn room is sadly (for them) is in a room off the main room, so I couldn't be seen by the people who worked there. So I spent a merry few minutes stroking CGBF's cheek with some (face cheek).
Yea he found it a bit strange, it was just to test its softness to see if it was good for next to the skin, don't want their ear tips being rubbed raw. Around here the cold is bad enough without irritating the skin at the same time. Its not as bad as Canada, but when our Canadian came into work singing "Oh Canada" you know its heading that way. I spend a not quite fun but certainly amusing and crazy few hours several days ahem weeks in a row skiting and sliding around singing Oh Canada on an ice sheet. Espicially one day after being sent home early after a weather warning. It took 6 hours for the traffic to clear the center of town. I'm glad I wasn't driving. The weather was so bad this week I've just gone out and bought new boots. And went to Wool for Ewe (my local LYS) singing I got new booties and I cannot lie, and I cannot shy, out of puddles and lakes and splooshy things, cosy boots will keep me dry.

I stopped singing once they started to rub. There was an issue with my last boots. They weren't boots for a start and things degenerated from there, they were trainers/gutties/sneakers. They also had a mesh top which as it turned out were not waterproof. Unimpressive. A fan of wet toes I am not. Although coming home to a cuddle from a sympathetic CGBF was a good thing.

Anyway, the prologue, Puddleducks, its not as if I was using the yarn to hypnotise him in a "feel the fuzz, see only the fuzz, even though you'll only see it in one eye because your nose is in the way and I'm only stroking you with one ball of yarn, feel the fuzz, love the fuzzz, the fuzz is all there is, sink deep into the yarn, love the yarn". He, after a strange look ( not unexpected that, actually it is, he knows me well enough by now), decided it was nice yarn and should be good against the face. Just in case your worried, we bought the yarn tested that way. Onwards from a yarny prologue The shop was heaving, you would have though that it was the festive season and it was the only sanctuary from the cold/mayhem/greed. There was about three fairs, a coach trip and the locals were also seemingly out in force. Go them :) because it was a lovely day and the food was really nice. The shop is unusual because in the back where there is (from what I can tell) a really good selection of quilting stuff. And in that room was a collection of tables and sewing machines and lot of ladies, chatting away while working on their own projects and using the kit in what looked like a self propelled production line. These woman were not wasting time and they were buzzing away, almost running around with their projects. A quilter in the wild is a fast thing. Estimted land speed record, 50mph at normal. So I can only imagine that they knew something that I didn't. Or maybe quilting like time does not wait for any person. Perhaps unlike time it shouts, or that people are guessing that our mythological "Barbeque summer" is going to take any mild winter weather off outside for a smoke and it'll be Baltic. Maybe they wanted something to cuddle under with their loves this winter. Or as is traditionally mused over last November was a nasty one and there is a lot of people needing more bedding or birthday gifts (that's for you Rebecca)

But I got some Sirdar Tweedie and I must say that I was disappointed. Especially in comparison to the Donegal tweed (either from the making company or Debbie Bliss selling the same stuff probably at a much higher price). The little slubby bit which are a different colour come out easily unlike the Donegal tweed which has then welded in. Its also a bit rougher if only by a little. But it is 2 ply which is a major plus as this prevents it unravelling and leaving me with a . But it is a different composition. Donegal tweed is 85% wool and 15% Angora at £4.75 for 50g, the Sirdar Tweedie is £3.17, 45% acrylic, 40% wool and 15% Alpaca. So it did cost less and in the spirit of this being a Peru hat with Llama/Alpaca hats on, I think this is appropriate and hard enough wearing to keep this lot from doing something sob inducingly disastrous and horrible to it in what will be some sort of what will be seriously wierd accident. I've been using a pattern I got off Ravelry, the link to the pattern is here And it seems to be coming along nicely in red. The pattern is simple and excellent for a vegetation knit when you want something simple to knit because your focusing on something else.

But I've strayed (The Prologue). I've cast on a new shawl and slightly abandoned my shawl. I've cast on another. The Shawl and scarf duo pattern from Sirdar. I've made the scarf before in Wendy bamboo which I love (I've previously mentioned it) so now I have. This is being knit in really nice silver white now discontinued Blur and it is really really cosy. Which is unsurprising for a fuzzy acrylic and Kid Mohair blend. The pattern is easy to memorise (especially since I've already memorised it from the scarf) and it was coming along fast. Although I think I've made a mistake... right now its a few inches long and hearing fast towards being long enough to be a Ra Ra shirt. Which is inappropriate since its for CGBF's mum. Its a nice simple knit and when I want to be challenged I get out the Nightsongs shawl. Which is unlike the blur not slippery. Half the time I feel like I'm trying to hold a desperately squirming and possibly oily cat, if I'm not sliding away it is and the needles are helping. Fickle buggers flirting with either side at random intervals. Grrr.

But why am I knitting a shawl for CGBF's mum? See it kind of ballooned.

My lovely cousin is getting married next summer and since she's a ways been good to me (and my younger siblings and putting up with Ooooh bla and bla are here lets go hang out with them) I decided to knit a shawl. So how am I instead knitting one for CGBF's mum right now? I was thinking too much, I was making one for my cousin so I should make one for her mum who has always been really nice to me. Then I realised that my Granny who lives nearby might be upset that made something for them and not her. So I should make her one too. Then I realised the same applied to my mum, so she should get one too. So off and up to Wool for Ewe and got the Blur and pattern. But its more to CGBF's mum's liking and I think she'll like the colour. So now I have 5 shawls and none for the the two people I really need them for. But I have all winter to do them in so that's ok I delude myself. But I have picked out the Aeolian shawl (wow) for my Auntie and the Gibbie shawl from The Shetland Wool company for my cousin. Having had a mull over things granny isn't one for shawls. She'd think that i considered her an old woman and mum would think the same. A Mobius shawl for granny and something scarflike I haven't decided for mum.

I had a wool fueled bender as well this week.
The yarny goodness I got on one of two aforementioned trips within 3 days to Wool for Ewe I got a knitting bag as I keep loosing my DPN holders (little jumper shaped things from clover) in the bag or on the bus. I, my hinderquarters or my mutually attractive pants (the back of my trousers keep slipping down a bit on 2 pairs of my trousers so I can only conclude my trousers are scarily sentient and have decided my pants are that lovely that they should be appreciated my many people and thus slip down. Often and usually when I'm unable to busy to rescue them. It means I need to buy fancy knickers (Not granny pants, never granny pants) more often so those around me don't get bored. I'm sure they appreciate the thought) absolutely fascinating one bloke on the bus hunting for it for about 10 minutes. I got the Dolphin holder which is just the right size for socks and their DPNs. I also got a lovely burgendy red and gold bag from Blue moon. Which will not last long, I got home and CGBF's first comment was, that's a really nice bag, it looks perfect for a shaving bag. I have a temporary reprieve. I got more Blur for a matching scarf, more Debbie Bliss, last of the same dye lot to make CGBF a jumper and maybe a scarf, I also got some purple Twilley's of Stamford Gorgeous and off white Jarol Cool Aran to use as Weft (the long one that goes up and down the loom). Yes I am ready to try it... Later today. I'll use Twilley's freedom spirit (dark green and mainly purple) on the Twilley's gorgeous. The Jarol will be used for the blue hand spun for Rebecca. I'm due to start sorting the weft and from there making a scarf today. Eeeeek. Lord is Gul Dukat is hot if disturbing. Actually I left by youngest brother and he had a neck. As you'd expect him to. I came back to visit and he had none, he looked like this, without the ridge bits.. I. Was. Shocked. Absolutely shocked. Yes he maybe a rugby player but he's been one for years and for it to suddenly disappear was nothing short of shocking when he wandered in to say hi. Scary Mary. Right I'd better leave wool behind before I ramble much more.

I also had a trip to Lakeland and I got some Le Parfait jars, cake tins, chopsticks and a pudding steamer. No spatula :(. I have never made a steamed pudding. But I have a Kenwood to christen, some naivety, eggs, marmalade and a recipe from the saturday Kitchen "Shirley Spears' marmalade pudding with Drambuie custard". I am not making the custard. Woohooo :).

Anyway I have two thoughts.

1 is sponge puddings easy to make?
2 its a bad idea to get water on electrics, we all should know that. So how bad an idea is it to take a dripping wet umbrella (and self) up an escalator?

Friday 7 August 2009


Last night I was supposed to go to the Aberdeen ravelers in Aberdeen. Now since I live within the city bounds this is no great trouble for me.
But I didn't go. I got a bit scared and just stalled. And I just didn't go. I thought I'd just be ah well, I'll go next week, but once 7:30 hit and it had started I felt really frustrated. Really really frustrated with myself and uptight because I'd wasted an oportunity to be creative. This is something which has recently become apparant as making every aspect of my life feel wasted. I don't feel happy because I'm not achieveing something outside of work. Sitting on the computer, cooking the usual stuff, playing computer games or just hanging out with CGBF and watching tv. It just isn't enough.
I've had a second lightbulb moment and I am so annoyed to the point of being unable to sleep at having wasted this opportunity. I was able to sleep because I realised I was that annoyed, that I had been to a degree taking it out on CGBF (who'd only just got home) and I wouldn't be able to sleep. So went and spun a bit before bed. Which was definitly one of the better decisions I made.

I had a dose of the luddite when spinning. There are two ways to go while spinning, zen or stew. Now I know how to spin and can do it automaticially it gives me time to think, which means I can stew over things. Usually things that annoy me (does anyone stew over things that are nice? That would be remanicing I suppose). Stewing is bad and I find affects the quality od what i am making. But last night I was being a bit of a Luddite over the colours. Oooh, pretty colours wow.

I was facinated by how they shifted and flowed according to how they were spun. Emphasis on them and how they swirled as they were spun and a length when spun gave rise to a multitude of different shades and combinations. Much more zen than stewing over stuff whilst spinning. I don't think its good to spin whilst being pissy or annoyed, for the yarn's sake as well as my own. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) you leave that annoyed energy behind and when you are creating something the more positive you are, the more positive all you feelings, better care you'll take and all those will improve the vibes about them. Don't know if I'll include this in the final draft of this.
My Blue yarn is coming along well though and I'll soon be fit to start on my white corridale (hmmmmm). I am so looking forward to it. Its a wonderful fiber, soft silky with the most glorious luster.

News on the shawl. After the great rip back I'm getting back to where I was. Another few rows and I'll be happily onto my second repeat.

Socks, caught up and passed. What I really need to do now is to figure out at what point the heel starts. Every photo has the socks from the front. There is an easy answer. But involves more counting than I have fingers or toes. Explanations are good, the lady who designed them did 71 rows. Mayhaps I should lay my socks once again at her socky master feet. Bow before the talent and feel the joy as I ralise, it worked for her. It may be catching. Or I can say she did it and act like I'm 5.
Either way, I may buy her book...

Spidertoid update. Still missing. Status unknown to me. I'd sincerely love to presume it knows its status. I hope it hasn't been swallowed by either of us.

Thursday 6 August 2009

When you speak too soon... and spider relatives

This should have been posted last night but the software deleted part of it so it took me an extra day to retype what I remembered of it :-/.

You know when you speak too soon. You say all is well (Tuesday), your project is coming along fantastic. Its good and because of that the world is good and all is happy (or will be once CGBF tracks down and rehomes that Harvestman that's loose in the bedroom). You feel great because your project or in this case projects (its both of them Grrrrrr)....looks fantastic.

By saying that I now realise I've wantonly done it again. By that I mean... what I did.

Shawl. Start with this one as its the main offender and its wanton behaviour (no way am I claiming the (rather) dubious honour of being the only wanton one here). Actually the Harris sock will be quicker. I made a mistake and had to rip some back :(. But I've made up a good protion of that which was lost so I'm still getting there.

I spotted an error in one of the leaves SMILY. So in the spirit of Arragggggh Nooooo I do not want to repeat this pile of lace work I decided my best option was to drop the stitches and try and knit them upwards from there. So went and put a skirt on (this is relevant) so that it'd act to hold everything as well as support the shawl. Raid my Knit Picks kit and found some of the wires (retrieved from the stack of half knitted gloves) and some DPNs.
Right, its an edge one, use a DPN. The long metal one (its purple). Off we go, examining, examining, right it looks ok where the 4 yo's start to separate the base off the line before would be a good place to start. Twang twang twang (feeling like Nanng Ogg with those sounds) and slowly pull them out. Right ok. Check chart. Check big chart. I am.... ummmm here. Double check, Arraggghh dropped chart. Get it back up. Find place and off we go.Ya do a twiddly thing here and there should be a yo here because of how the leaf moves. I should check this on the other side so pull it out nicely and what the hell was that something that just slid down my leg and oww that was my foot. ARSEAGE DPN and (pitch getting closer to where only dog's can hear) more of it is unravelling. Reach to extract it from my foot and even more is coming out Raaarragggh. Rapidly loosing it and will to live. Rescue it and it looks weird. Pretend it doesn't. It can be fixed. Later, there is no problems here at the minute all is perfect (foot throbs).

Right back down to the important bit. Get comfy, set up another knit picks needle out of the pile on my lap (which turns out to be too thick and requires changing) with small strand of circular needle wire.. Get whacked in the face by the other loose end. Ow.

Drape self sideways over the side of the chair trying to find the Knit picks kit in the wool box. Stop when stitch manifests. Get CGBF to seek out the Knit Picks kit and get me a button thing whatever its called that screws on at the end. Yell instructions as to its vague location "the bed". Untangle self and poke in the side and wander through to find the kit. 5 minutes later (sound funnier if it was 10, but it wasn't so there you go) find and grap handful of pointy sicks, sicks? sticks. Ow.

Get on knee, stab leg with DPN and off we go again. Stab repeatedly, so the rest of the fiddlying is done to a chorus of ow, ow OWW, oh no, that's and going to pierce the skirt will it cause the fabric to ladder and get bigger, Arragggh grab the rapidly escaping DPN.

Will this never end? Its barely begun Hmmmmm. A good sign, this is not. I'll unscrew the circular needle closest and then swap it over. its thicker so that it'll hold it better (bonus). Totally forget that its shorter. And on some bizarre signal it abandons that area too. As the other end of the circular needle does the same thing leaving both ends loose and floating. Stab self and smack self in face with the end of the circ. track down blatently feeling left out DPN. If I use it, it won't feel sad and I'll know where it is so it'll stop stabbing me. Arrraggghh (-I do that alot on here).. That bit could be a hold but it moves left so it must be a knit. So there will be a yo here then a ssk and bla bla bla.
Ok thats ok, purl and that last one looks funny. Replace DPN whilst think about it. Realise other side is again making a break for it. stab self with DPN again (now many of them are there!?) Confirm there are 2 and one too tight Knit picks one.

Bla bla bla, try next pattern row, Drop chart mid point, retrieve, realise have picked up the wrong sheet. Retrieve, feel relieved when find point and line goes well. Purl, ok can't muck that up in theory. What is wrong with the one at the end. Fiddle with it and drop newly made stitch. Crap.
Retrieve. Try next line, go back and redo last yo, should it be a k2tog? Check pattern. Nope. Check correct part of the pattern. Yes. Okay. Fixed. Repeat twice.... twist around to look at the clock, stab self and realise its almost 60 minutes since I started approx. End bit stubbornly looks distinctly dodgy. Fiddle fiddle fiddle for another 20 odd minutes. Realise something is wrong and after all that effort it still needs ripped out.


The night before last and last night were erring towards a stressful pair of nights. There was a Harvestman loose, yes just roaming (sitting quite happily perfectly still near a corner) and loose in the bedroom. Now although I'm not as phobic of them as I am of spiders, I'm not fond of them in the slightest. Good example CGBF was moving a plant pot and there was one near to his hand. Me shrieking crap and levitating not only to my feet but 2m away will attest that fond of them, I am not. And this one was loose, but since it was loose at the far end of the bedroom, I was marginally happier that I would have been had it been sitting on or by the headboard awaiting me to lie down so it could gaze at my sleeping form. Or come and stroke my face, curl up beside me or whatever a Harvestman desires doing at that hour of the night. Actually chances are its under the bed preparing to come up the side of it to terrorise me (thats where CGBF found the eye mask) or something like that. Its still missing...location unknown...Bugger.

So last night I had a hissy fit at CGBF. The curtain pole fell down again. Right on top of me. I was lucky I'd only just got into bed, because being brained by it when I was sleeping directly under it would have been even less pleasant. In fact it would have been swear and pain filled because its a large and heavy chunk of wood with little random wooden bits ready to come off and hit me too. As well as also having a large heavy curtain attached to it. Ready to hit me too, or come off and hit me marginally pre/post pole hitting me. There is no knowing what could happen and in what order. Or what could crawl out to yell at us (ahem meaningfulglances) for not repairing it and therefore preventing it happening. The curtains are used daily, so if something was to be in there, I'm sure we'd find out. But still a missing Harvestman is a missing Harvestman.

The night before last and last night were erring towards a stressful pair of nights. There was a Harvestman loose, yes just roaming (sitting quite happily perfectly still near a corner) and loose in the bedroom. Now although I'm not as phobic of them as I am of spiders, I'm not fond of them in the slightest. Good example CGBF was moving a plant pot and there was one near to his hand. Me shrieking crap and levitating not only to my feet but 2m away will attest that fond of them, I am not. And this one was loose, but since it was loose at the far end of the bedroom, I was marginally happier that I would have been had it been sitting on or by the headboard awaiting me to lie down so it could gaze at my sleeping form. Or come and stroke my face, curl up beside me or whatever a Harvestman desires doing at that hour of the night. Actually chances are its under the bed preparing to come up the side of it to terrorise me (thats where CGBF found the eye mask) or something like that. Its still missing...location unknown...Bugger.

So last night I had a hissy fit at CGBF. The curtain pole fell down again. Right on top of me. I was lucky I'd only just got into bed, because being brained by it when I was sleeping directly under it would have been even less pleasant. In fact it would have been swear and pain filled because its a large and heavy chunk of wood with little random wooden bits ready to come off and hit me too. As well as also having a large heavy curtain attached to it. Ready to hit me too, or come off and hit me marginally pre/post pole hitting me. There is no knowing what could happen and in what order. Or what could crawl out to yell at us (ahem meaningfulglances) for not repairing it and therefore preventing it happening. The curtains are used daily, so if something was to be in there, I'm sure we'd find out. But still a missing Harvestman is a missing Harvestman.

Passed out about 12. No sign of the Spidertoid.
Wake up and its 5. No sign of the Spidertoid. I could have been sleeping another hour. :(. Got thinking, we've (I've) lost the eye mask what can I use?
A sock, not the sock of non Dem-sock-racy as its not finished (I was mistaken needs another few inches. Sigh). But considering I have little dainty feetsys and CGFB has these great big things that cause potholes to form if he steps hard and the tar cracks means... I had a solution. Big feet....means.... big socks and shoes actually (everyone with a dirty mind which was gutter bopund there now, you know exactly who you are, tut tut). To the Clothes horse (for clean ones). Not quite long enough, same, same, i don't like that pair, this one, if it t'were but slightly smaller, could act as a winter sleeping bag for a very small child. About 3 years old. But only if it was water proofed. Sock trawl came up (sadly) negative. So I had a further rummage on the clothes horse and came up with something else which would fit neatly over my head (The only thing that wasn't a sock or a knitted top EEEEEEKKKKK ), was nice and light. 2 problems

1, it had 2 leg holes, waist hole and ahhh alternate use
2 if that fell down around my neck and could be dangerous if I had a peddling session or decided I neeeded to levitate upwards and hang from the room (hey its happened, I have no idea why but it did. Wierd huh?) or CGBF rolled over on top of it. One time a few weeks ago when it was how I woke up and he (dead to the world) had me right up against the wall, half on my side at an awkward angle, his shoulder was on my hair so I was pinned and he'd stuffed the duvet on top of me. So I was roasting, pinned and unable to move because of the duvet.
So I ended up folding it over my face (main hole near me) and having a snooze.. Actually 10 mins before the alarm went off I figured that I could manhandle CGBF's arm so that I could hide in his lee and use it to shade me.
Was going to bbe one of those (still plum bereft) days (they are for jam he tells me. See if he goes for that pineapple...)
3) I was exhasted, and desperate and I work somewhere can be dangerous to have a sleepy person ablut. Thats 3 but i'm only 1 out so thats ok in this situation. If it was money that that wouldn't be so good.

Just one final note, there is still No sign of the Spidertoid...

Monday 3 August 2009

Shawl and socks.

Behold the shawl

When stuck, shortly after becoming unstuck. Paddling in the frog pond then after an entire weekend eating cereal and toast so I'd have more time to knit. Shawl, I was thy slave.
The socks are now at the heel flap stage (Wwoohoooo). Dark red wool for that :).
I realised that on the bus to work this morning. I also realised if I had another pair of DPNs that size I could have gone on. But no. I was on a high, wow, this is the length I have been looking ahem knitting for. No red, I'll start the other and bring it up to this stage and make a start on it now. Looking, looking, can't find anything, getting the hopes up, NNNOOOOOoooooo too short noooooo. There. Is. Nothing. Else. Here. (mini relitively unimportant) DISASTER. Bugger.

We made Lemon and lime marmalade.
Is this the most bitter marmalade in the world? No this is only a tribute.
There will be no limes in the future no matter how much I love the smell of them. :(
You could feel the marmalade moving across your tongue and triggering the sweet then Oh dear Lord that is SOUR bit. Yea we'll be cooking with that one.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Finally some knitting news. More Marmalade too

I have knitted, spun, knitted some more, stared at charts, mucked up knitting, rectified the knitting, made Marmalade, gave some to a workmate and home brew to my manager (yet to see how that one pans out, him being at work tomorrow will be very telling tho) and sprained my ankle again (the other one this time about 5 minutes ago). I should be doing Reiki on it instead of typing.

I've figured out that when I'm making crafty things or cooking I'm content. I feel like I've achieved something and as a result I work harder and faster at work. I also enjoy the making of things and totally loose interest with the finished product. Which puzzles the hell out of my workmate. Does anyone else do this? Just wander off and not really care what happens to what they've made as long as someone else enjoys it? Seems not.

I've been thinking back. My dad is a fantastic gardener and as far back as I remember has had a garden full of many different types of fruit and veg. More than could be used and often we (the parents) were able to freeze them for use in the winter. Mum was renowned for knitting or crochet, making blankets, cooking, baking and conserve making. As far back as I can remember mum had a baking day, made jam, marmalade, tarts and puddings. People used to bring her stuff to make and she sold vast quantities of stuff.
Yet besides gathering some stuff for the kitchen or topping and tailing stuff they never really got any of us involved.
If we asked question sure they'd answer. Mum used to give us scrap pastry, jam and a plate (the blue china one was my favourite) to allow us to make a "tart". Which invariably came out like a tile exploding into shrapnel when cut. It could easily be used as a discus if you glues 2 together.

I and my brothers don't know how to do any of what they did. And that is a huge loss now that I find that I am doing some of these things myself.
I'm trying to learn crochet, learning lace,making jam yet she's fantastic at both and has been doing it for years. Until recently that is. Now besides the gardening and odd tart (pie for any Americans who wander by) they've stopped it all. We've come away with nothing and now I live in a different country I have no chance to learn first hand.
My bush tomatoes are over 7 feet tall and have tried to smother me, my Rosemary doesn't like life, my potatoes are the size of toffee pennies (chats) I have no idea how to prune things or thin them out, how often should I feed? I have a new respect, so now I can appreciate the loss. Bit sad about that.

Anyway The shawl. I got to the end of the starting chart and did not know how to proceed. So I went onto Ravelry... found a fan group (MaweLucky Love) of the designer (Jane Araujo or MaweLucky) and left this message.

Helphelphelp. I?m stuckk?. Arragggh.
This is my first shawl and first time reading a chart and I?ve got as far as finishing the first chart (after only doing the half the first time ooops) and I?m not sure what to do now to get from the starting chart to the repeats.

I?ve been staring at the patterns on the second chart and I?m just not making sense of it (you know those times when your brain just wants to go vegetate somewhere (or as I suspect is currently doing so and has no intention stopping) and is yelling ?F you? at everything that isn?t spinning/something you really shouldn?t be doing because you have a gift to complete?). Anyway since staring at it and willing direct instructions to manifest on the page has failed to work I?m on here. Can anyone tell me how to get from the starting chart to the repeats. How do I start? Which bit is next. I?m sure this is terribly obvious but my brain?s going huh? Blaggh.

I think I?m supposed to do line 3 somewhere after the starting 2 stitches. But nothing more is coming through. Think I?ll go cry under the desk with some toast and cheese now.


Never did get as far as the desk with that toast.
Then after some really helpful replies (thank you all so much) I posted this...

I think I?ve got it! Wooooohooohooo
I truly think its the fact that I haven?t used a chart. Actively avoiding them has that effect.

Thank you all so much for the tip. I went trundling around google and found that post by Gurnard but would this computer accept it? Ah ha hahahahaha. Never. Typical . Finally I managed to locate a chart by someone who I have since found out has been doing stuff against the designer's wishes and has made mistakes. Fortuneately not in the bit I was on tho. Which is much larger and clearer than the tinsy weensy fit for a tinkerbell sized fairy chart I had. I just followed 23 and just knit back and forth across the segment she highlighted until I reached the end. Did 2 rows.

Then I realised symmetry is a fantastic thing and wandering away from it is not, in fact its a terrible thing. Frogged it back and now I?m off I?ve finally got my eye in so I now recognise the pattern ?ah ha, I did this and need to do this ?instead ?yea, that's a stitch, pfft, helps hellpssss Arragggh?.
I?ve also put a central stitch marker in which helps a lot.

Thank you everyone. I should get a picture of it up on here tomorrow .

I feel like I am moving along really fast with this and feel like I can get it done this year. Since its laceweight and this is Scotland it'd be preferable if it was finished and sent in the warmer end of the year.

The Harris socks are coming along fast and I've got a picture of them on Marvin the Moose (brought back from an exhibition for me) there should be a pair of pictures here (pre Harris pattern attempt and it as it was on Friday).

On Thursday CGBF and I made Marmelade. 2 pink Grapefruit, 2 limes and a lemon, all juiced then the rest chopped finely. I was very suprised that there wasn't huge quantities of pith when chopped. In fact, there was no pith really. It took ages and blunted our 2 scary sharp knives (you know those old ones that seem to get sharper with age and regenerate sharpness, them. One-a true old one has recovered ). What I have discovered is that despite having 1kg of citrus fruit in there, it still needs lemon juice added . Cooking it for over 2 hours must do something to it but I'm not sure what but its possibly related to the sugar being added at the same time. What I've also learnt, is that marmalade almost totally takes out the redy and pink colour that the plum, strawberry and raspberry jam left on the wooden jam spoon! Which is great. Marmelade takes hours to make dependant on the method. The one we did requires you to do the chopping the previous night, then leave the peel and juice to sit in 2.5 L of water over night. Boil (takes ages to get that far) and then allow to bubble of 2 hours. Add sugar and lemon juice and then... stare expectantly. It actually takes on an amazing clarity here, boil again. Quick cry about wanting to go to bed because it takes ages and then to allow to sit for 10 minutes. Bottle then stagger off to bed after snarling at the seemingly disgustingly fresh CGBF. Will be making more with the other method later. I am mad.
I gave some to a workmate on Friday to try out. Along with some home brew. I also gave my manager one after wandering into his office and declaring "Beer fairy". Now this may not be a sensible thing (givng him beer, he knows my sense of humour is quite random poor man). I will blog, let you know how it went.

I think our crazy neighbour (er upstairs) is recutting the grass . She moans that "Stevie" doesn't cut it often enough (CGBF has been renamed for some obscure reason). But it actually needs to hit the 2 inches mark to be worthwhile and actually be dry. Otherwise it takes ages and just squishes flat, then with great joy sproings back up again. It is so patchy atm. CGBF was getting really annoyed at it and I had to go out and sing to him (I just manage to make random songs up). This one was to the tune of the Elizabethan BlackAdder

"Hot boyfriend/ my floosy (your choice), Hot boyfriend he is cutting the grass,
Hot boyfriend, Hot boyfriend, your tea is cooling fast"

Thats me blathered out. I shall put a picture of the shawl on soon.