Thursday 27 August 2009

Soo much to knit so lttle incentive.

Not only is this very late but I am really sleepy. And at work. I'm not that busy. But here we are after a lot of disruption to my Saturday morning I now finally have peace to blog. I like to be alone for this and since I'm at work he can't be distracting.He got up early and wanted to chat and I was rather suprised and about driven to distraction. Usually we stay up late, disrupt our sleeping pattern with chat and knitting (that'd be me). But no, he was up and loooking company. Anyway, I'm bored, therefore I'm daydreaming of yarn. Squishy squishy gorgeous lovely yarn. And I'm tired.

I have projects with me... well one project. The socks. But right now I'd almost rather count the number of feet in a single pair instead of work on them.
It'd probably be disastrous too I am that groggy and out of it. The only way I could focus on the would be if there were a sword of Damocles moment, but with a metal DPN instead of a sword. A pointy metal DPN, with knitting on them impaled on them. Waiting to become unravelled as they fell, to impale me. or I maybe was knitting with a tip-Ex paintbrush tipped knitting needle. It'd need to be a special type instead of a traditional proper knitting needle. That'd be thrilling.

So why am I feeling knitting bereft?
I have many projects. This should negate the previous statement you'd think. But you'd be thinking wrong. I am extremely bored and frustrated.

Hat-needs maths. Arragggggh
Shawl, bit big and for some reason it and I seem to enter a realm of stick when we meet. I'm not sure who is sticking to what, or maybe who is the most static, but we stick together. And it is an absolute bugger to knit when your yarn is stuck to the palm of your hand and shawl to the other arm. Whilst the unravelled length of yarn is acting like a clingy child and has glued itself to your jumper. Glad its glued to the jumper, I got flour down the front of my trousers and I'm unconvinced that hovering got it all out. I can't see any, but considering that hoover is the most useless piece of crap ever I'm doubtful it did anything beyond making my leg cold and spraying the kitchen with the flour and bread crumbs that weren't on my jeans. Pooft, all over the place in a dry ice/london smog cloud. I need a new hover.

Anyway (the prologue) I have 2 shawls,
1 too complex to do when sitting down totally focusing on it, let alone on a giggling clatter mobile (bus name changes dependant on what occurs to me at the time)
the other is too large to take on a but. 140ish stitches on a bus journey, not going to happen. 140ish stitches of static glue loving Mohair, also not happening. More chance of me knitting with my tongue that getting it done in a rattling bouncing Mrrrrrrrrggggghhhhing bus (there is a noisy one that makes horrible noises at random)which sooner or later willl fill with kids. I've not only started, doubled the length of this, but I've also had to rip it back. Same place, same error and I have no idea why or what I've done. I have stitch issues and ripped back to see where they originated so I could fix it. I located a dodgy looking bit. But I've ripped back to the previous line, so it should still be there. Its gone. What's the chances of it turning up when I start knitting again?

Ummm, my gloves, now I come to think of it. I should start the second one (requires me chasing down yarn and needles). No reason I couldn't start this other than lack of effort I shall dig it out tonight because the socks, are not doing it for me. Then once they are finished.... Another pair as festive present is needed too so if I can get on a bender that'd be great. I've also offered to make a pair for CGBF, I've managed to find manly colour for him that he liked. 407 All flamey reds and oranges with a deep rich (Claret 412) red for the cuff, heel, and toes. All Twilley's of Stamford freedom wool (the chunky one).
I'm definity into the pattern because Saturday past I finished CGBF's mum's pair. Also in Twilley's of Stamford freedom wool. This one nice blues (415, lookie here that descended into the realm of disaster when I ran out of yarn. Nowhere had any. So I ripped the cuff off in the assumption that the green 411 CGBF picked (badly) or the navy (423) might work. Not a chance. Pants. Wool for Ewe got some in a few months later (took out the other colour I was after but got in a very nice different shades of purple one 413, I pretty much like anything in or with purple and this one is very nice). I have found 430. Which would have worked. Had I known it existed. Damn, you always find out about these things afterwards don't you.

Anyway (The Prologue) CGBF's mum's pair so don't match, there is more cables on one and I had to try compact one (strip it off my arm pushing downwards to compact it) and desperately stretching the other desperately trying to get that extra half cm to get them the same length. Tragicially for the gloves we were going out for Dinner with them and there was shrieks and tears of frustration and I gave up on doing repairs so they could get them at the time.

I also could start that pair for a mystery person (Hi :) I can't mention her in case she gets referred to this. CGBF's been threatening it :(.

Has anyone else noticed how they get dry eyes when they are tired? From what I've learnt, you blink and your eyelids lubricate (there has got to be a better word) your eyes. I blink more (especially when I have the tired stupid thing going then I blink loads in confusion). So your eyes lubricate, blink loads, lubricated more frequently. So how come my eye's are dry and gritty. Maybe they are off dosing somewhere and that's why they aren't working. Just abandoned me because I was alert and kept waking up last night. Some pleb's car alarm kept going off until well past midnight. So my brain decided the best thing, would be to wake up at random intervals just to check it'd stopped. Now personally, being the better person and ignoring it (sleeping) in is preferable. But nooooo, alert and suspicious my mind was. Actually CGBF doing his furnace impression didn't help so there maybe an aspect of survival instinct there too. Frazzle sizzle sizzle isn't be a nice way to wake up. I'm positive I have a hand shaped burn across my back. I can't say I enjoyed it much, especially when he decides to hold on. Persuading a sleeping person to let go isn't an effective use of time. Even if it is possible to escape he starts chasing me across the bed into the corner. In his sleep. But go to do something as simple as kiss his cheek any other time? 0-72 instantly. And into a bear hug/total body lock. the ones that mean you can't more or breathe at times. All without any indication or really altering breathing rhythm. Shocking lightning CGBF. Like a strange spring loaded Gryphon trap (how that'd work I do not know but it may just explain the really broad (and lovely) shoulders). I loves him.

Anyway thats me for the minute. But tommow (I hope) I'm going to write about...radioactive yellow gloop cake.

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