Thursday 6 August 2009

When you speak too soon... and spider relatives

This should have been posted last night but the software deleted part of it so it took me an extra day to retype what I remembered of it :-/.

You know when you speak too soon. You say all is well (Tuesday), your project is coming along fantastic. Its good and because of that the world is good and all is happy (or will be once CGBF tracks down and rehomes that Harvestman that's loose in the bedroom). You feel great because your project or in this case projects (its both of them Grrrrrr)....looks fantastic.

By saying that I now realise I've wantonly done it again. By that I mean... what I did.

Shawl. Start with this one as its the main offender and its wanton behaviour (no way am I claiming the (rather) dubious honour of being the only wanton one here). Actually the Harris sock will be quicker. I made a mistake and had to rip some back :(. But I've made up a good protion of that which was lost so I'm still getting there.

I spotted an error in one of the leaves SMILY. So in the spirit of Arragggggh Nooooo I do not want to repeat this pile of lace work I decided my best option was to drop the stitches and try and knit them upwards from there. So went and put a skirt on (this is relevant) so that it'd act to hold everything as well as support the shawl. Raid my Knit Picks kit and found some of the wires (retrieved from the stack of half knitted gloves) and some DPNs.
Right, its an edge one, use a DPN. The long metal one (its purple). Off we go, examining, examining, right it looks ok where the 4 yo's start to separate the base off the line before would be a good place to start. Twang twang twang (feeling like Nanng Ogg with those sounds) and slowly pull them out. Right ok. Check chart. Check big chart. I am.... ummmm here. Double check, Arraggghh dropped chart. Get it back up. Find place and off we go.Ya do a twiddly thing here and there should be a yo here because of how the leaf moves. I should check this on the other side so pull it out nicely and what the hell was that something that just slid down my leg and oww that was my foot. ARSEAGE DPN and (pitch getting closer to where only dog's can hear) more of it is unravelling. Reach to extract it from my foot and even more is coming out Raaarragggh. Rapidly loosing it and will to live. Rescue it and it looks weird. Pretend it doesn't. It can be fixed. Later, there is no problems here at the minute all is perfect (foot throbs).

Right back down to the important bit. Get comfy, set up another knit picks needle out of the pile on my lap (which turns out to be too thick and requires changing) with small strand of circular needle wire.. Get whacked in the face by the other loose end. Ow.

Drape self sideways over the side of the chair trying to find the Knit picks kit in the wool box. Stop when stitch manifests. Get CGBF to seek out the Knit Picks kit and get me a button thing whatever its called that screws on at the end. Yell instructions as to its vague location "the bed". Untangle self and poke in the side and wander through to find the kit. 5 minutes later (sound funnier if it was 10, but it wasn't so there you go) find and grap handful of pointy sicks, sicks? sticks. Ow.

Get on knee, stab leg with DPN and off we go again. Stab repeatedly, so the rest of the fiddlying is done to a chorus of ow, ow OWW, oh no, that's and going to pierce the skirt will it cause the fabric to ladder and get bigger, Arragggh grab the rapidly escaping DPN.

Will this never end? Its barely begun Hmmmmm. A good sign, this is not. I'll unscrew the circular needle closest and then swap it over. its thicker so that it'll hold it better (bonus). Totally forget that its shorter. And on some bizarre signal it abandons that area too. As the other end of the circular needle does the same thing leaving both ends loose and floating. Stab self and smack self in face with the end of the circ. track down blatently feeling left out DPN. If I use it, it won't feel sad and I'll know where it is so it'll stop stabbing me. Arrraggghh (-I do that alot on here).. That bit could be a hold but it moves left so it must be a knit. So there will be a yo here then a ssk and bla bla bla.
Ok thats ok, purl and that last one looks funny. Replace DPN whilst think about it. Realise other side is again making a break for it. stab self with DPN again (now many of them are there!?) Confirm there are 2 and one too tight Knit picks one.

Bla bla bla, try next pattern row, Drop chart mid point, retrieve, realise have picked up the wrong sheet. Retrieve, feel relieved when find point and line goes well. Purl, ok can't muck that up in theory. What is wrong with the one at the end. Fiddle with it and drop newly made stitch. Crap.
Retrieve. Try next line, go back and redo last yo, should it be a k2tog? Check pattern. Nope. Check correct part of the pattern. Yes. Okay. Fixed. Repeat twice.... twist around to look at the clock, stab self and realise its almost 60 minutes since I started approx. End bit stubbornly looks distinctly dodgy. Fiddle fiddle fiddle for another 20 odd minutes. Realise something is wrong and after all that effort it still needs ripped out.


The night before last and last night were erring towards a stressful pair of nights. There was a Harvestman loose, yes just roaming (sitting quite happily perfectly still near a corner) and loose in the bedroom. Now although I'm not as phobic of them as I am of spiders, I'm not fond of them in the slightest. Good example CGBF was moving a plant pot and there was one near to his hand. Me shrieking crap and levitating not only to my feet but 2m away will attest that fond of them, I am not. And this one was loose, but since it was loose at the far end of the bedroom, I was marginally happier that I would have been had it been sitting on or by the headboard awaiting me to lie down so it could gaze at my sleeping form. Or come and stroke my face, curl up beside me or whatever a Harvestman desires doing at that hour of the night. Actually chances are its under the bed preparing to come up the side of it to terrorise me (thats where CGBF found the eye mask) or something like that. Its still missing...location unknown...Bugger.

So last night I had a hissy fit at CGBF. The curtain pole fell down again. Right on top of me. I was lucky I'd only just got into bed, because being brained by it when I was sleeping directly under it would have been even less pleasant. In fact it would have been swear and pain filled because its a large and heavy chunk of wood with little random wooden bits ready to come off and hit me too. As well as also having a large heavy curtain attached to it. Ready to hit me too, or come off and hit me marginally pre/post pole hitting me. There is no knowing what could happen and in what order. Or what could crawl out to yell at us (ahem meaningfulglances) for not repairing it and therefore preventing it happening. The curtains are used daily, so if something was to be in there, I'm sure we'd find out. But still a missing Harvestman is a missing Harvestman.

The night before last and last night were erring towards a stressful pair of nights. There was a Harvestman loose, yes just roaming (sitting quite happily perfectly still near a corner) and loose in the bedroom. Now although I'm not as phobic of them as I am of spiders, I'm not fond of them in the slightest. Good example CGBF was moving a plant pot and there was one near to his hand. Me shrieking crap and levitating not only to my feet but 2m away will attest that fond of them, I am not. And this one was loose, but since it was loose at the far end of the bedroom, I was marginally happier that I would have been had it been sitting on or by the headboard awaiting me to lie down so it could gaze at my sleeping form. Or come and stroke my face, curl up beside me or whatever a Harvestman desires doing at that hour of the night. Actually chances are its under the bed preparing to come up the side of it to terrorise me (thats where CGBF found the eye mask) or something like that. Its still missing...location unknown...Bugger.

So last night I had a hissy fit at CGBF. The curtain pole fell down again. Right on top of me. I was lucky I'd only just got into bed, because being brained by it when I was sleeping directly under it would have been even less pleasant. In fact it would have been swear and pain filled because its a large and heavy chunk of wood with little random wooden bits ready to come off and hit me too. As well as also having a large heavy curtain attached to it. Ready to hit me too, or come off and hit me marginally pre/post pole hitting me. There is no knowing what could happen and in what order. Or what could crawl out to yell at us (ahem meaningfulglances) for not repairing it and therefore preventing it happening. The curtains are used daily, so if something was to be in there, I'm sure we'd find out. But still a missing Harvestman is a missing Harvestman.

Passed out about 12. No sign of the Spidertoid.
Wake up and its 5. No sign of the Spidertoid. I could have been sleeping another hour. :(. Got thinking, we've (I've) lost the eye mask what can I use?
A sock, not the sock of non Dem-sock-racy as its not finished (I was mistaken needs another few inches. Sigh). But considering I have little dainty feetsys and CGFB has these great big things that cause potholes to form if he steps hard and the tar cracks means... I had a solution. Big feet....means.... big socks and shoes actually (everyone with a dirty mind which was gutter bopund there now, you know exactly who you are, tut tut). To the Clothes horse (for clean ones). Not quite long enough, same, same, i don't like that pair, this one, if it t'were but slightly smaller, could act as a winter sleeping bag for a very small child. About 3 years old. But only if it was water proofed. Sock trawl came up (sadly) negative. So I had a further rummage on the clothes horse and came up with something else which would fit neatly over my head (The only thing that wasn't a sock or a knitted top EEEEEEKKKKK ), was nice and light. 2 problems

1, it had 2 leg holes, waist hole and ahhh alternate use
2 if that fell down around my neck and could be dangerous if I had a peddling session or decided I neeeded to levitate upwards and hang from the room (hey its happened, I have no idea why but it did. Wierd huh?) or CGBF rolled over on top of it. One time a few weeks ago when it was how I woke up and he (dead to the world) had me right up against the wall, half on my side at an awkward angle, his shoulder was on my hair so I was pinned and he'd stuffed the duvet on top of me. So I was roasting, pinned and unable to move because of the duvet.
So I ended up folding it over my face (main hole near me) and having a snooze.. Actually 10 mins before the alarm went off I figured that I could manhandle CGBF's arm so that I could hide in his lee and use it to shade me.
Was going to bbe one of those (still plum bereft) days (they are for jam he tells me. See if he goes for that pineapple...)
3) I was exhasted, and desperate and I work somewhere can be dangerous to have a sleepy person ablut. Thats 3 but i'm only 1 out so thats ok in this situation. If it was money that that wouldn't be so good.

Just one final note, there is still No sign of the Spidertoid...

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