Friday 28 August 2009


I just realised something.
Years ago I stopped reading books because of or for the pretty pictures. Now I read books for the content. And as I age (I still am convinced I'm 18. Recently i've settled for 23.) I learn to appreciate the content more and more. Do you know what I've realised? I'm again buying books for the pretty pictures..... Not just to look at as an "oooh, thats pretty" fairly luddite style appreciation addition. Heyy its free why not? But now I look for pictures to pore over and appreciate, as if I was 2.

Knitting books. Bought for the pretty pictures. And the charts.
Its true what they say, it keeps you youthful whilst you look old.
I am also delighted knitting is becoming trendy. Pity the rest of the world don't appreciate that more.

But I got some knitting books.
Victorian Lace Today Paperback by Jane Sowerby
Lace Style by Pam Allen
Shawls Two on the Go! (Vogue Knitting on the Go)

I'm not sure if the latter was a good idea. Its a US book and converting the needle size is harder when you've misplaced your needle gauge thing. Hang on actually, nope. Its misplaced. Pants.

I'm now tempted by Shetland Hap Shawls Then and Now and Heirloom Knitting both by-Sharon E Miller. Both books and a stack of gorgeous individual patterns in assorted weights can be got from her own website I've effectively banned myself from the website for another month until payday next month. Mid bets on how long I'll last?
Well I'll delay because only one of the ordered book has arrived. Texts CGBF, THEY ARE HERE Wooohoooo:(.
Well now I'll delay until I've had a look at them then I'll decide when to get that pair of books. Because I am still bereft of a square pattern for the wedding shawl. I may need to trawl on Ravelry a bit more (which is hardly a chore) but it seems to be mainly triangle shawls that are available. But I did stumble (metaphorically speaking) on a Hap shawl, from there into these books. They sound fantastic.
Apparently Wool for Ewe is getting shawl patterns in which will be also fantastic :) .
I think I'm getting addicted :( (because of the cost and space that I do not have consumption) or :) cos I have more books and especially books that have knitting patterns.

But anyway Wool for Ewe. As if I needed an excuse to go there more often than I do. But I tend to save things up and go on a binge. Then a few days later I go on a second one. the most recent one involved me screaming a girly fashion. I couldn't help it, I didn't know the tape measure had a button on it. All I knew was that the tape got yanked out of my hands and a scream/jump ensued that caused laughter.

My workmates are slightly fascinated by knitting clubs (how can you be slightly fascinated? That's like saying something's slightly nuclear. Well they are wow, that'd be something to see without the intention of making the effort to see it). I mentioned about the Aberdeen stitch and bitch (which I got to go to last week :) ) and questions flew. What do you do? Knit? just knit? No we chat and look at books (and breathe, if its in a pub can drink, and munch crisps)

So how am I spending my weekend. Hope fully not filled with CGBF because he is going on a manly few days camping with whichever of the Bobs that have been rounded up and his birthday present.
Somehow I doubt but it maybe possible that he can prove to the Bobs that all things are possible by getting up early on a Saturday morning. That may not sound like much but it is. It is not only definitely much but was shocking, torturous and totally threw my last Saturday off. That may sound like over exaggerating but I assure you, its not.
Friday nights if he's about we sit and appreciate each other's company, blather and "watch tv/a DVD" (its just back ground noise). Whilst I knit. We stay up late (see the wee small hours together) and totally screw up our circadian rhythms because we are maddddd. We both regularly get up at 6 and find that regular hours is best for out health and detrimental to the frequency of falling asleep on the bus or "rickity mobile" that only bounces when I'm likely to and drooling down our fronts (seen it once, ghastly). SO CGBF sleeps in Saturday morning and I get up early. Do a bit of knitting, spinning, cry at that Loom, go on Ravelry and generally have some me time with the yarn. just me and the yarn or Roving. When I've had my me time then usually CGBF gets his breakfast in bed. But he got up early and it really threw me. No me time. Arraggggh. Poor guy.
Tomorrow, he's hopefully sleep in. Now I may need to drug him (
, for this, but for the price of peace I'll happinly crack one out. For the record, he typicially gets told. Afterwards. For the other record, his parents know (they don't mind). bit I digress (The Prologue) they'll head off with some ingredients (I'll prepare them), set up the present- a cooking camping tripod, with a cooking bowl hung under it. They fire the food in, let it cook away. Short while later Nom nom nom.

Also I had... a moment... A female one.
Whaaattttt? is this not unusual? Female I am but not stereotypical when it comes to shoes... Not really interested.
I love my new pair of hiking boots.
Typically my inclination to shoes is, a few things, do they leek? Fit? cost a huge pile of money?
Well I got new ones which had an accident but that's by the by (can't like then when the side has split) and the new pair is grey and ..... Purple (with bits of black). Yes I am female,
I am female, see me be pleased by the colour (doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it). And be impressed by the fact that they match my socks. Well maybe impressed is the wrong word. And match is a bit strong but I do have purple socks (with black bits) (and vice versa) and they are so cosy.
Why is that good? Well it is very showing about the weather here that I felt the need to but winter boots in early August. And I have tried them (fairly gingerly) out in a puddle, but it wasn't too deep. And some wet grass. Rather than be ambivalent (I'll get there soon enough) I likes them. Its a great thing that I can afford new shoes when you consider that so many people cannot even afford food, let alone shoes.

I think thats me. Except for the fact I've just filled my shoe with fruit juice. Araggh Buggery.

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