Thursday 9 July 2009

Anti clone rant, knitting and wool fueled Benders

There will be a flurry of posts, I'm trying to catch up with my other blog that I started a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if I'll stay there so I'm trying this place out, see how I like it. So I'm in here editing it, even if it is to give myself a break from the wool fuelled bender I?ve just indulged in. Pre exam fasting followed by post exam binge.

I've decided that I don't like clones (spelt that colons the first time, ooops) and I'm going to express it on my blog. I've never been a huge fan of clones except where necessary (more on this later).
I'm not fond of them especially when they come in ill-fated numbers (more than one, but less than the desired number). They come in their hundreds and thousands and they are everywhere, and I mean everywhere. There isn't a place in the UK that is free of these wretched heart breaking yet strangely delightful things. All identical. To start with (slightly ominous sounding that).
An excellent example is when they come in pairs. This is a constant plague on people?s thoughts I guarantee you. Because you are never sure... which, is the original, is there and original, will one last as long as the other does? Will one just keel over suddenly and give out on you and that?s it end? Or will one go missing, never to be found? Which will last the longest, which is the original and how, how do you tell the difference, which is which. Is it the more vibrant one? Or is it the one that lasts the longest? Because just in case you didn't know clones wear out sooner. But they should be less vibrant (unless they've had a horrible accident or are maybe playing with your head. One lasting longer but less vibrant which shouldn't happen). But how do we know that any of us have an original? We cannot, its locked up somewhere in a factory after having thousands of clones created from it daily. Unceasingly being copied, churned out consciously in a shameless fashion. And you can't tell by looking where the vital weak point it. That susceptible little area that will strain under the trials and stresses that is put upon their little cloned selves. And believe me, its always the vital impossible to repair areas that go first. But does that matter? No, people just replace them at a whim. One's lost, got damaged, eaten by the cat or dog, a friend carried them off, its no longer a vibrant, or we are just a pack of hussies and tossed them aside for a prettier pair. Not thinking about the consequences for waste.

It?s all those socks fault.

So I am knitting my first pair of socks for the OH. Sock knitting seems to be very popular for some reason. Anyone who cares to comment and inform me why will have their opinions well recieved.
Personally thus far it seems maddening. I couldn't find a pair that I thought would fit the OH. Then I couldn't find one that would suit the OH. Then I decided sod it, this looks like it'll fit, that'll do. I picked out some nice varigated charcoal grey sock yarn and some DPNS (which seem to be poking holes in it, this could be a source of some peverse delight to them). Or possibly something to do with the fact they are metal. SO far I have knitted an inch of one, first half was ribbing followed by cables. Mini time delicate cables aren't really manly so they got ripped back and I'm away to start again. I'll update how that goes tomorrow.

I (finally) finished the last of the BFL sunshine stuff from the natural dye studio.It was lovely and went from an salmon rose colour to a rich yellow. I'll include a piiture of that soon. I have two mini skeins of that now so I may ply it or weave with it. Yes I have a loom! More on that in another post.
When I ran out of that I finally also spun some from this lady here (Felt studio uk)
I've never spun with that breed of sheep before and it was easy to get adapted to. I display a definate addiction to Corridale and Merino. With a generous addition of BFL. The colours were solid and combined in the most wonderful way. From shimmery golden yellow to creamy warm brown into silver then to purple and blue. It was lovely and when finished and I finally get brave enough to use my Loom will become a shawl for a friend.

Anyway its late, I'm tired and off to bed.

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