Saturday 18 July 2009

Brave the wrath of the sock and a slight grumble thing

Ooops, I thought I posted this Monday past but instead I pot it in as a draft.

Would it be invoking sock misfortune if I posted pre-emptive its going ok? Hmmmm

The first and second time, it got the long strand thing between stitches when I went to do the first row after casting one. So I cast on with a different method. It worked! Its cuff down and although I haven't finished the cuff I'm about half way there. The circumference is not too massive, it stretches properly, I'm not sure if it'll go over CGBF's foot but I haven't got him or his foot with me to try it. I think...Its going ok. I wonder if it'll fit?

Ohhh I'm stuck in the house and my only method of communication with the outside world... is this blog I tell you. Well besides hanging out the window going yoohoo at random punters, or the phone.

There was... a SPIDER beside the door, and a great big hairy moth outside it. Well I'm not afraid of moths but there could be a great big hairy spider to match the moth. Now CGBF relocated the (extremely active if I must say) spider, but he's gone to work. I'm on my own with my sweet chilli sauce (no I don't drink it but I've just noticed it sitting beside the computer for some obscure reason. I am giving it this look--> right now). Anyway it could be worse (I'm back to the spider) a few weeks ago there was an... incident.

There was a hunting spider in the bathroom, under the sink, which is right beside the toilet. His name... was Hector (working through CGBF's workmates). I now know how long I can hold it in for. There was a slight standoff one morning as it was between me, and the toilet. Yes indeed, first thing when I was sleepy it had to move and wait for me then stare... Me staggering around towards it initially before stopping in bleary eyed huh? didn't phase it, but after a few minutes of me staring and going oh no, I need the loo, arrgghh, this isn't good, what do I do and Eeeep. It moved. So I got a toothbrush holder (yes CGBF was indeed charmed) over it and could finally get to the toilet, and finally relax. At least now I can go to the toilet, I just cannot leave in case Ann (today's Spider) is still on the mat.

But I have had some thoughts in regards to something non wool related that I wish to share. Bras

Sport Bras in particular.
A walk recently brought this to my attention recently.
Ladies (and gents if your the proud owner of a pair of moobs-I know someone who calls the man-Norks). Even if you are an A cup you cannot undertake any form of exercise, especially jogging without a Sports bra. You are just blatantly wearing out your boobs and applying unnecessary wear and tear on them. Have you not noticed the jiggle and feel your balance thrown off with every step? That's you stretching and tearing them. You are busting your boobs. Step bounce stretch, step bounce jiggle stretch. Or, if like me and many other ladies you qualify for the miss big bazongas category its step bounce stretch unconscious. Which is not a sexy look. Be assured I am applying a serious expression to this (can't find a suitable smiley). It is also bad for you teeth, being hit by your own flying cleavage is not only likely to be sore, but an embarrassing thing too I imagine. Honestly, only imagine. Your shoulders, back and posture all are affected by their movement and they can move by an alarming degree
A rapidly changing centre of gravity really does throw your posture. It is also fantastic for making you feel sick and wobbly (or me at least, I so hope I'm not alone with that) and need to hug the floor, love that floor and all the sweet security it brings.

I got these details off the Shock Absorber website so consider it an indirect quote.
Unsupported breasts bounce by up to 14 cm during exercise.
This can lead to permanent damage as there are no muscles in the breast. They are made up fat, breast tissue and are supported of the suspensory Cooper's Ligament. Which can stretch beyond repair and lead to irreversible breast sag when unsupported during exercise.
Actually bras stop boob movement by only 38%, Sports bras can stop by up to 74%.

Wear a sports bra, I can personally attest that it will make exercise easier. Even if it does transform as if by magic your lovely cleavage, as if by magic into a giant monoboob. Capable of destroying small ships if you paddle fast towards them. Love, care and protect that cleavage unless you want them to your knees because of abuse.

Anyway, I'd better stop rambling and go make up some socks and do some spinning or crafty stuff.

For I have more craft than common sense for...
I have some pins, fingers with blood in them, an idea and, some wool (ah ha ha ha ha some she says, some. They may as well call it a mine, a mine. Somehow I have the feeling my paws will end up come out looking the same in regards to carnage). I have a cunning plan what crafty that sounds quick and involves wool to try out next. Give me a quick fix as it were.

This may not go well, for my fingers. I may need gardening gloves. And some plasters. Lots of plasters.

I also need to stop feeling temped to pretend to surf the pivot point in the middle of the bendy busses (at 6:30 am) and daydreaming about bringing squirty bottles home and filling it with a watery mixture of yellow fairy and tea and squirting it out the window at the drunks whilst screaming in random words in Anglo saxon at the noisy buggers (I have a dictionary and know a few words, woll is wool, wollen is made from wool, wulf is what eats the source of the wool. catt(e) is what lies in the wool or sits on you can't move, to get the wool, ears means arse, which is what I scream (in english) when something goes wrong, tongolcreaft sounds cool and is on the same page as arse) . I could so make the contents look sooo dodgy and... soapy.

Anyway, I'm off make up socks-bought pairs* craft and wander around in my jammies. Thought I'd share that with you, as if you needed/wanted to know.

* high mobility socks, awesome discovery when I made it, they get bloody everywhere and usually, not in pairs. Very mysterious. You know we have a clothes basket (and sock box, it jingles), it eats packets of pegs, that's an afternoon I'll never get back. Its also typically filled with CGBF's shirts. Hang on.............................. Right that's some stuff sorted. Actually that reminds me I should go on a sock hunt in the near future. Do I sound sock obsessed?

At least my scarf (of Cool Temperatures) is almost finished.

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