Wednesday 29 July 2009

Solutions to knitting preventative‏

The day before yesterday I took the extreme approach to my sore elbow hindering my ability to knit. Originally posted 23/7/9

I exercised.
I did a warm up bit on a very good DVD three times and then I went to bed (it was 11:20). I will admit that doing the exercise earlier would have meant that I could have knitted too, but I was blogging til late. but my elbow feels less of the unnecessary stabby pain and my arm and shoulder feels less stiff. I can only say not only will I be doing more, but also another very important thing. Namely WOOOOOOHOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo.

Anyway yesterday I got chased into the spare room wherein my spinning wheel dwells by the alpaca fibre I have (loose, its just loose and floating around in the flat I tells you) to spin (a change from trying to drag me behind the sofa or into some dark and otherwise undisturbed corner to try savage me). Ahem, so in I went and...

Besides one project my poor lovely wheel sits neglected and my eyes stream with mournful tears because I've run out of bobbins ARRAGGGHHHHH (that smily there is me screaming). I have one left which needs lacquered and is for the Corridale. I have no more and I am undone. Separated for the lack of a bobbin. They are only £6.20 (+p&p). But i'm in CGBF imposed administration, so I must remain bereft.

Ohh my lovely roving (pre yarn), how I love thee,
your soft fuzziness that caresses my skin, so soft and gentle
Oh how I could pour your luxury Merenioy goodness on the floor and curl up within your satiny folds. Oh how many black bin bag full I own, enough to make a bed.
Oh how I love thee, except the carding bit. (alpaca fibre) Which is fecking horrible. It shreds my hands and is fecking painful. Its like being brushed with a new running shoe cleats. They so weren't mine (in case your wondering).
I do have a drum carder, but its course and meant to be for sheeps wool instead of alpaca and other finer wool. I haven't tried it yet but the murnerous alpaca and I may be trapped together in a horrible cramped place with the hand carders. ARRAGGGHHHHHH.

I lament for my spinning wheel.

My one project for which I have bobbins for I have some blissfully delightful Merino. Shades of blues to aqua green and white and it almost spins itself. Delightful airy stuff that literally spins itself. Its commercial stuff and unlike some other commercial stuff I've got in the past it doesn't feel over treated. It has a lovely lustre to it instead of a dullness.

Do you want to know something, it gets better, seriously BETTER.
I've spun it with the intention of pling it with some nice white Corridale (spell-check wants Corrigible, ah ha haha, explains a lot)turquoise blue Merino. The white and blue highlighting each other to allow the natural colour variations in the blue strand to show up. Glorious. Sounds perfect doesn't it?

Corridale (hmmm squishy get a grip) , and Merino are my addiction. Hmmmm yumm. This stuff is gorgeous to spin (Corridale is a sheep breed, its wool what could you otherwise expect but to be some form of animal).
Corridale is different to Merino (oh the glory of the squishy Merino) and BFL, not better, easier than the BFL as its a bit shorter when it comes to staple. I think i'll be buying lot more. More colours, more fun and quite simply more squishy loveliness that may just be causing me to daydream about it and dribble. Ahem.

It gets painful though, sadly I am horrendously allergic to the Merino. I have consulted 3 different Drs over the allergy and none of them have heard of anyone being allergic to this or it would not be getting sold. It is extremely rare and I have got a hosiptal referal (finally) to see a specialist so I'll at least have paperwork for it. Seriously the last (first and only) time I spun it I was awoken in the middle of the night by my hands throbbing. The entire palm of one hand and half the other. The thumbwards area of the the learder hand that controls the twist and the entire surface of the palm side of my leader hand. I can't use it so I've decided to sell it to fund driving lessons and getting a car.

This allergy is a real pest. Thorntons chocolate brownies, Bounty bars and use Carex soap (stuff that sets me off), a great many deouderants and toothpaste are all out. Does that stop me spinning it? No, I wear lab gloves.

I have 1kg of the stuff, swoon.
If I hadn't things to do (such as work), that would have been my week right through to saturday filled (spin, lie on the rest, put on the niddy noddy, spin, play with merino, sleep. You should see where I'm going), as it was I had to regularly abandon my now much depleted bundle for work and other sadly necessary tasks. Actually I've discovered that showering pre spinning is better because then you've got everything out of the way and then can stop when you absolutely need to (as if I'd do anything else), instead of when exhaustion has you taking micro naps and your nearly drooling, your finger's are jammed in the flyer and you still don't notice because you will, must continue. You can just fall off your chair or crawl in a rather undignified manner into bed, Instead of sliding into a heap at the bottom of the shower or staggering around it until you mercifully give up and either curl up, sprawl or pass out totally. Maybe the water running out will wake you.

So sooner or later it will end up in Etsy or Folksy. I have 2x 100g of each colour (somewhere in the morass of fiber) and I'll end up with 2x 200g so I can post 100g on both sites and say if anyone wants anymore I can leave it long and uncut. I'll post pictures of it when I have some.

But here is some stuff I spun earlier If I can get it to work. Ah ha, it has :). Fantastic.
The unplied bobbins with a red, orange and chocolate colour roving spun up. There is also one of it being dried over the radiator and me holding it and a pen to show scale (whilst wearing those lab gloves). The picture of the bobbins spun but before plying show just the sheen that comes off the Corridale. I love that stuff.

Its late and I have to wait until morning to get the results of last nights jam based adventures blogworth (and yes, I did phone relatives to shriek, its work, its jam... ITS JAMMMMMMmm!)

Have a good Friday everyone.

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