Monday 6 July 2009

A blog, how to start? With an introduction I suppose.

A new blog in a new place where people I don't know can see it! Wow, how professional.I'm not sure if you'd consider me new to blogging as I used to blog on a closed site where people I know can see it. But now I'm blogging where lots of people from all over the world can see. Pretty amazing when you consider where we were technologically even 100 years ago. Why did I come here? I'd got my confidence up and thought I'd go for it, share the madness as a friend would say. Well actually this is my second one because I started on another site but moved here because I follow a few people's blogs here and it makes it easier to follow and be seen. Feedback and suggestions on life or when you are knitting is a wonderful thing.

As I said I've blogged before so you will see edited old posts and some past ruminations here from the old blog here. Now, does this thing have a spell check? I'm sure the mods of the other place aren't worried about the Other Half and I deliberatly masquerading as the other, as we are totally different. He can actually spell, and is leaning over my shoulder being a right pain in the bum correcting as I go (its been a long week). Whereas I have a loose association with the ability to spell and frequently have blatent dallancies with the wrong spelling. The OH considers my spelling to be a loose confederation of letters, some of which disappear off on a jaunt and turn up at will and whim (I have to assume all that that since I have no evidence of it, but he has no evidence either so there we go). Whimsy spelling (I do actually have a BB in GCSE english btw).
Right, its too hot and I haven't had my tea so this'll be brief. Or as brief as I can get. Which isn't brief at all

So, will I be any good at this amongst all those who have blogged before? Not sure, but I'm going to have a go at being me amongst the anonomous throng. Am I supposed to introduce myself? Common sense (borrowed temporarily-its to classy to linger in the general vicinity of my erratic thoughts and (mis)adventures (?) without something horrible happening to it.When it comes to common sense I have a brief dose of it (here's me speaking about it as if its some sort of disease, maybe that's why it dislikes me and does not linger, maybe it is destroyed, maybe it just goes INSANE (Kryton from Red Dwarf impression there) mayhaps it disintegates into a small twitching fizzing hiccupping pile. See now i'm seeing my sanity as tall, slender, refined looking and very well dressed, anyway The Prologue). Why am I anthropomorphising my common sense/sanity in my own head from a blond tall slender woman into one who is a mess? Seriously why? Is this diagnostic of myself? Possible. I'll happily crawl into a corner, hiccup, cry and look messy haired (or at least more so than usual) for a short period of time-as defined by me if it made me more slender or saner. So now I'm wondering, who here (reading) thinks the latter is the hard one? Be honest (kind if possible) now.
Anyway (the prologue (and a brief sanity/common sense recovery) ahem) myself, I should introduce myself.

I live in Scotland (not at all vague there) although I'm not from Scotland originally, I'm from Northern Ireland. I came over here for uni and decided I liked the city and decided to stay. Picking up/being picked up by the OH while there helped a lot. I say that picking up/picked up by as if that was at all easy and I was some lovely jewel awaiting a person worth of picking me up. Well jewel i could be and it took two years and an extreme lack of sleep (mine not his) for him to make a move. Then claim I made the move.
I've given some information about me, I should say a bit about the OH (Other Half). I've decided that calling him something as plain as 'The OH' is boring. So having listened to Lime and Violet-something IMHO all knitters and spinners should do, I loved them and i'm hard to please.Probably because I listened to them first, I'm ruined now, ruined (lets see if I can make a linky thing at some stage to their site). Anyway (The Prologue) after listening to them and getting corrupted in a terrible way and decided that making a appropriate nickname for the OH is necessary. Just like Ms Violet (and who wouldn't like to be more like Ms Violet) so I've picked CGBF formed from his job.
Anyway, (yet again The Prologue), there is me, CGBF (I predict typing that will become very irritating and fraught with more typos than necessary. Easily believable because typos are considered unnecessary and not a particularly nice thing), The Prologue (yet again). There is me, CGBF, no pets (very sadly) and Lord-Churn-Wash, the washing machine.Waking up in the middle of the night going 'blhuh, Lord, forgot churn washy zzzch gcnuff' accidentally give rise to that nickname. Which was fed by the fact I could yell to CGBF about him needing fed and being the other Love of my live, the companion in the kitchen. And occasional hiding place for wool until i can get CGBF out of the flat or distracted in some other fashion.

Things I like
Lime and Violet (ENABELLERS, I started spinning because of them. Now, I'm hopelessly addicted).
Merino (yes I like it that much and you really do need more).

I love spinning, but at the minute I am on a major spinning diet, no more buying stuff for months the way I've been going. I was in a spinning club with the Natural Dye studio which I can really recomend, the Roving/Tops is wonderful. Well carded, colour goes throughout and spins a dream. Its British too :)
For those of you who don't know what a Roving or Tops is, its the American and British names for wool that has been dressed up fit to be spun. By this I mean cleaned to get the Lanolin/dirt/vegetable matter out, then prepared and brushed so it lies the one way and is maybe coloured. Its probabally a good job I didn't renew as I fell down majorly. Falling from the top of a skyscraper falling down.

See I am almost uttery convinced that wool may have fumes, magical pheramone like fumes that can influence you via the internet itself, it has an allure that wafts oh so delicatly. It wafts around the internet and then takes over you mind making you utterly senseless. Woo, mystical stuff indeed. Seriously, I was reading about natural dyes, then there was a slight blank and I was on the site looking at the roving. Then I started to feel more light headed (still mysterious no?).
Then Whack, massive blackout. Its 30 minutes later and I have a confirmation email saying money is missing from my account and I should expect to receive some wool to my work place. I was devastated.

How does that happen? Is there some sort of wooly Borg Queen that every so often activates me as a drone? A wool buying sort of drone, which isn't as scary as the regular sort I will admit BUT a drone is still a drone. Pity I don't look as good as 7 of 9, but thats why I am walking ( just to be clear its to get fitter, not look like 7 of 9).
If anyone can present me with a cool picture of a wooly Borg queen I will spin you 100g of the stash (your choice of colourway) and I will post it to you.

I really should get some pictures of this, I finished some oatmeal BFL (Blue Faced Liecester) that I got from The Alpaca spinner (need a linky here I think this is it well its not but I don't know how to go about it) and the stuff from her is gorgeous. It literally spun itself. No neps, snarls or assorted kinks and ill carded bits. Wonderful. I'm going to ply this with some matt heather coloured Merino for a friend to test knit for me. I aimed for it to come out as DK think n thin and it looked IMHO nice. I was so delighted with how it turned out I danced around the flat with it to More than a feeling by Boston. Think that was one of the best Saturday mornings I've had in a long time :). We'll see how that goes when she's finished knitting it.

Lace weight spinning,
This was quite daunting because I only have the standard flyer, but I pressed on, undaunted and possibly sans common sense (lol, as if I'd ever do such a thing) but it worked out quite well as far as I can tell for my 6th ever bobbin and 3rd go at plying. It took ages to do and wasn't as consistent as I'd like but its not slubby so I'm delighted with it.

I am no longer OCDing on fingerless mittens, or setting myself for an overdose. Its Summer and I ran out of wool for one of them. 4 pairs so far in various states of being done, 1 for me (but I really want 2 so I'll start on a second soon), one for the almost MIL, CGBF and a friend of his in Oxford.
I made the mother of all obvious mistakes, I didn't buy enough yarn for the Almost-MIL project, I got to my LYS and there was none there, none of the dyelot or the colour itself. Its a blue green colour so I've been wondering will a deep blue complement it? Shade 415 is the main part, would 423 go well with it or would 411, a pale green work better.

I know, your all shocked that I didn't buy enough, or going ha ha, daft blogger. But I thought I had enough! Who'd have thought that it'd have taken more than 50 meters to cover a hand and wrist, minus the top half of the fingers!?
The pattern is here or Jmacc61 I believe. Its a really nice pattern and comes in a longer version, I've accidentally done an in between one fro myself, but I'm happy with that length. For those of you unfamiliar to deepest darkest part of the year (except when the lights are on or that brief moment in time 6 months ago when it was always dark when I wasn't working) anyway, The Prologue, deepest darkest Aberdonia, its cold up here. Scotland for the record officially forgets to switch its heating on, so you need long gloves. Which is rather antisocial of it don't you think? (Awaits howls of cosseted southern softie'). I've been trying to adapt the pattern to have a little finger pouch flap thing to protect my digits but so far I've had no success.
Anyway, digression aside, for the other pairs I've left the the size as the pattern said and in one I decreased it. Small hands are such a burden to a knitter . You would think, maybe, that'd be the one that I hadn't run out of wool for, but no. Well, you'd be wrong, very wrong. So a wool replacement hunt is on as I don't think that I'd be happy with a new dye lot and I'm not ripping it back. Insanity screaming and insane starey eyes lie down that path. At least this way I can lull my self into delusion and nurture that, I can pretend that its a challenge and will do me good to develop my colour instinct. As opposed to a stupid mistake that was founded in delusion. In my long (does being in my 20's and having a nack for accidental mayhem situations constitute long?) and varied experience delusion propagates itself, or undergoes mitosis and mutates along the way. Anyway that aside, I've got another colour today (yay the man in the randomly sized red van).
There may be a slight problem with the order though. I got a few more balls and ummm, I may need some more. They look really good together.

Anyway thats a lot of blathering and I shall leave the remaining for another day.

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