Thursday 9 July 2009

Blogging direction and more scarf

I have just realised that I have forgotten my mobile phone and therefore my notes. I make notes on my phone when something blog worthy arises just in case i forget about it.

So what do I have to say today? Blogging and subject therein, Knitting, my first attempt at lace shawl), my scarf and the illusion of sock cuffs (Is that a sock cuff I see before? Nay, it appears to be a suspender-actually I wonder can I persuade CGFB to wear it as such somehow I think not (a hope in hell)),

So where to start. I've been wondering where to go with this blog and what to include. Should I focus on the knitting, spinning and weaving? Once the latter is up and running that is, in the mean time I shall include hysterics about it.
So do I separate the blathery bits from the yarny woolly bits. Or leave them in together? I've not read a huge number of blogs, but they do seem to stick to the yarny point. Rather than wandering around like mine does. I can see the benefits of separating them, I get a bit random and head away from the wool and some people won't want to read that, maybe putting some people off which I really do not want, because although I learned how o knit since I was very young, I've only recently started again. So I'm new to the fancy aspects of it including lace (started first serious piece on Saturday!!). I do really want people to come on, read and make comments, give advice or just be company. But if I get rambley about the world and yarn I may put people off. But I get plenty random about the yarn, maybe it'd be an excess of ramble. on the other hand would I have enough to say about wool, knitting spinning and craft? I hope so.
I'll think it over and see where to go.

So, whats on or being taken off my knitting needles. Well I finished an object, that I'd started an hour beforehand. CGBF does nightshifts and I decided to make him a sleeping mask (which he tried). This took 3 tries at casting on before I got it right. Be assured it'd have only taken 1 if I'd read the band. I tellm myself if only I had its band. Then indeed I could have read it, but I'd lost it which makes my excuse ahem reason more fesiable. Until I confess I had about 6 balls of a different colour sitting right next to the chair. I like to believe I can hold a knitting needle up to my face and say "That wide" and knit form there. However it seems like a challange after this point. Because somehow, it goes from being an inch beyond the eyes on each side, to being almost an inch from meeting at the back within a row. So ripped it out, its but a challange to distract me from my Sunday afternoon leisure time (sitting on my hinderquarters watching tv and (re)knitting a shawl) its a distracting, not a challange worth shrieking "how the hell did it get this length!?". Try two, not as long, but I knew enough to stop before it got that way. try three, worked (isssh, ummmm). Decreased mid way through.
Ummmmm, it seems that no matter how hard i tried to cast on as tightly as possible, it kept getting loose and I ummm had to use the long strang to add anouther stitch. I thought one wouldn't matter . But then one became another one, became three or seven and ummmm never ending. Yea, but it was tight! Which would have kept the sunlight out! Which would have been good. But it also would have covered his ears and been uncomfortable. Which was not so good . But it would mean I could sneek around the room without him do is kommando style instant alert thing and scare me.

It is but small but he should be grateful. Afterall it is the only object that in the 16ish months since I started knitting then spinning (which took over everything else including our spare room) that I have finished anything for him. I make UnFinished Objects (UFOs, I wonder where that term started).

On that subject (and rapidly diverging, lets hope convergancge appears after this), we are no longer living in a time when handknitted objects were essential to having any clothes at all. Once everything from jumpers to socks (untouched and wretched sock) were all hand knitted from home prepared yarn. Socks were once knitted with the heel and toes of thicker and more durable yarn. This was so that this could be picked out when worn and reknitted afresh. Prolonging the overall lifespan of the object, they were worn until they were worn out, repaired then worn some more. Maybe then they were dismantled and the yarn used for something else. Soo if people were relying on my knitting, they'd never be able to leave the house until wearing a thong consisting of a crochet chain and two flaps (for the pre and post crotch area) became acceptable. That or a very large varigated pink with flashes of black scarf, maybe some gloves and a not-supposed-to-be-garter. I may need to my tenacity, or at least divert it from buying Roving.

The Lace Shawl, Or, the new, improved (having no blimming mistakes in it, that I shall not be going into, no point sharing the pain of 84 rows only to discover a mistake at the bottom) revamped (new pattern) doubly ever first time ever lace-shawl.

I threw out the original pattern I'd picked (set to the side actually rather than throwing it out). It is Gail/Nightsongs or Granite shawl and I got the link from Basically this site links to many of the free patterns out there on the web. You may notice that there are indicators on each side to show if its a PDF file. My only gripe is that amy cool sounding patterns from Lion brand (US yarn company) whom you need to become a member of which I'm not and don't want to be.

Anyway here is some links to the blogs of other people who have knitted it. This lady gives some tips, pity I hadn't seen it apres Saturday

I haven't got to the end of the first set of charts but if I get a lot done tonight I maybe there tomorrow . Monday night I spent a good hour ripping back 3 rows to correct a mistake. Tuesay we went to the cinema (CGBJ took me, love that man) so nothing was done, Wednesday we had a friend over and I didn't want to be doing it in the midst of distractions. Lets hope....tonight I will be able to get beyond line 23. Arragggghhhhhh.

I have finally got a link to a site with a picture of some of the colours (but not mine, strangely I can't find it anywhere which makes me wonder has it been discontinued-Eeeek) on it. It is Wendy Pure ribbon yarn in Mocha, 100% Bamboo and it is really soft and squishy. I also have "Crushed berry" which looks less strong and mad in person. I'm not sure if I'll make a similar scarf with it as this is my seconnd one on that pattern (previous waws peaches, creams and pinks and went to Sardine-hello again (she know not where this blog is, but just incase CGBF lets her know), but I will use this yarn again as it is really nice. Here is some of the colours and some photographs of the scarf itself .

Spinning, of which I have done none recently. But I have some pictures.... If it works...

Monday I ended up getting out a bit late and missed the bus I usually get into town. Sitting, waiting, will another arrive in time for me to get into town and get my connecting one, should I walk to the next route.....Start walking see a bus need to get to the stop, get there.... Wait, appearances and speeds are not initially obviously rather deceptive. Waiting, hurry up, hurry up, getting more and more wound up, I'm going to miss the bus to work and have to get the one that turns off early so I have to walk for ages..... Not happy arraggh. Bus arrives, woo hoo. One trial up.

Realise with some dissatisfaction the person before me despite having been there for quite a while before me was not only not ready, but was dithering and taking a while. Wait politely (seriously, I'm not the type to glare, sigh or mutter to hint). Finally on the bus and we are of! Away we go, townwards. Last but one stop, no one there, we slowing to stop. No one there. This stop at which it just sits. And sits, some more, a lot besides, no sign of wanting to move, has he his paper out? Off again, chachum chachum chachum chachum chachum rattle rattle chachum chachum chachum.
He slows down to pick up his friend, we hit the lights and I get to see my bus pulling out and up to the stop I wanted. Now I was thinking I could ask to get out, he'd just stopped for his friend surely he could let me get out? Nope, couldn't get past someone, who glared,and looked outraged that I was speaking to him when I asked excuse me (I was polite, always am)(I rather hope he'd glare at everyone rather than it being personal to only me. Actually I hope that he'd realise that its ok for people to say excuse me). I asked again, ignored. I could see my bus pulling out and up to the bus stop. I'm still stuck behind the grumpy person. Crap. The lights change and both Busses pull off simultaneously like an inconvient choreographed dance, missed it. Stay on the bus, there are at least 3 stops maybe, just maybe in some miracilous crazy insane world that maybe against any and all the rules of physics or worse... chemistry this bus can catch up to the bus that is sitting at the lights just ahead of me. So I can pile out of it and onto the other one without having to run and risk hurting my ankle again.
Ha ha hahahahahaha ha ha. The bus toodles along, nice and slow, relaxed, not a care in the world. Just having a bussy stroll, chatting, to friends. WHilse I'm screaming hurry you, drive man drive, dude-you-have an accelerator-pedal-for-a-good-reason-and-we-both-may-cry-if-you-don't-take-pity-on-it/me/both-of-us-and-use-it.

Next stop, signs that even by standing at the front of the bus I am annoying.
Man (who was mentioned above as the person I got on with) came up and almost yelled at excuse me at me. Looked around, plenty of space in front of me and around me. Made sure was standing as close to baggae bench as possible and said sorry. Repeat yelling and he did a swatting movement at me. I am confused, "i'm not getting off here". Then awareness dawns. He wants his bag which is "behind me". sure enough there is a bag. Beside me if he'd checked to see, moved, said sorry again and away he trundled (realise if he'd got on as fast I would have been in time to catch the bus at the first stop ). Next stop and its clear unless I run in which case I can see it vanishing again I've missed it.
So I decided to get the bus that goes nearby and risk life and limb (my scarf) crossing one of the main roads in Aberdeen and get off the bus. Watching the one I should be on trundle around the corner. At this stage, a certain degree of grumpyness is my companion and I decide (with a vast quantity of non noncense determination), right then, I'm going to knit on the next bus.

I was sitting think "and what?" its not as if I am going to detract from the bus and ergo from the rather plesant and friendly busman's cool factor or damage his mojo/mana levels. -3 to cool, -5 to mojo and -4 to mana. +6 to Eeek there is someone knitting with intent on my bus (i rather thank that my talent, creativity and bravery for knitting on a bus should ahve in some way improved their day, +9 for creativity and +8 good happy vibes).
But I did knit, and admid the sniggering at the anti cool I was bringing to the bus, busman and other people on it I made an error +7 to sniggering, -4 rows. Rip rip rip, the great thing abou the Wendy bamboo is that it doesn't catch, or have strands catch itself on outher strands. It is a joy to rip out and that is such a strange thought. Rippy bounce rattle rattle, rippty, jiggle-try-not-fall-from-my-seat or rip out more than intentional as the scarf slides from my lap.
New Murphey's law. you alwa6ys hit the really pot holed area when your trying to rip out something or put it back on you needles.But manage I did and then, I knit at work as well . Hard core
The rest of the day went well. CGBF had home breaded and slightly herby chicken with potatoes.
Tuesday he had Steak Diane (nice thing for taking me to the cinema, I was slightly dehydrated whilst cooking it, bad vegetarian, I wonder, can you make vegetarian Diane sauce ?) Hmmmm.

I am one of those who grew up watching Transformers repeats. Good but we didn't really get a good understanding of the personalities of the robots. Lots of dick jokes. The twins. WTF?

Last night (cos this is a catch up post) we had a Bob over. A bob, one of three. But there is only one original and true Bob. Their names maybe remembered when they are not aound, but when they are near, they shall only be refered to as... Bob (or Bobert).

They had a recipie of my devising. Lamb slabs (maybe chop but I haven't cooked it as far back as I can remember so iding was hard and I didn't buy it or ask CGBF what he bought). Cooked in Rosemary, lemon and salt seasoning. Smelled tasty. They were cooked as the potatoes boiled. The pan was heated then switched off and they were just put in it and turned as required. I wanted them pink (they weren't, just slightly beyond that but as I've said, I can't remember when last I cooked lamb).
The juices were poured into a pan with more pure Rosemary with some cranberry and redcurrent sauce (using up the last of the latter) and it was heated to thicken it. I served it seperate in case it didn't go (being vegetarian I couldn't try and see if it worked). But they ate it and liked it. I served it with garlicy mashed potatoes, carrots and peas. (I would like to say that fishing out all the carrots in order to mash the potatoes is a right pain).
I had caramelised onion (nom) with courgette, mushrooms and sugarsnap peas cooked in paprika, mild chilli sauce and some melted cheese. Spot who is missing chorizo .

Dessert was strawberries and double chocolate muffins (choose cake not death) with cream.
Result two happy, full and sleepy guys.

Anyway, I've had several traumatic events today and just minutes ago sucessfully got my phone insurance sorted over the phone. After I was mucking about with the Scarf of cool temperatures. It looks slightly shemagh(ish) with the browns and silvery greys lookie here and I decided to wear as such. But the needle got caught in the stuff and everything tangled as it does (I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about....Humour me, for goodness sake, don't leave me on my lonesome with the mad). Then the lady called whilst I was still tangled and I had to speak to her and try to keep it out of my mouth whilest not letting on at the same time. It was trying but I managed to wear it with dignity and without her realising I was in some difficulty as well as risk from the needle or laughing wih CGBF who very graciously was finding the whole thing hilarious and was cackling away to himself the entire time.

Have fun and play nicely (unless there is a suspender garter sock involved, in which case, still have fun and play how you like )

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